I've been thinking a lot about respect, love, and RP and wanted to chat about it with you all! Some questions I came up with to get the ball rolling:

  • We've often said on RPW that for men, respect = admiration + deference, while for women, respect = common courtesy. Do you agree with this distinction?

  • Keeping the male definition of "respect" in mind, a common idea in the manosphere is that men want to be respected and women want to be cherished. Does this line up with your experience, and/or your observations? And building off of this, what are your thoughts on the saying "respect flows upwards, love flows downwards"?

  • Finally, a lot of men on TRP, Return of Kings, and the Roosh forums don't believe that women are capable of loving a man in the way that he wants. I've seen this idea in a more subtle form ("men are the true romantics") and more extreme ("all women are calculating and view relationships purely as an exchange nothing more", "she doesn't love you it's just your turn", etc). In what ways do you agree and where do you disagree?

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on any or all of these questions. Also feel free to comment with your thoughts on respect, love, and RP in general. Whatever comes to mind :)