Hi ladies, back to back posts today. But I have been meditating on this phrase from Laura Doyle's Surrendered Wife and thought I would share my thoughts and hopefully get input as well.

How can I be a "soft place to land" for my husband?

  1. Receptivity. I know receptivity is one way. Laura Doyle said "receptivity is the essence of feminity". I can work to be receptive- to his thoughts on politics (even when I think he is ill-researched), to his suggestions for weekend plans (even if they are spontaneous), to his affection (even when I am busy). The last one is so hard for me. My husband is still working from home (since covid started) and I have a tendency to get irritated when he interrupts my daily flow with childcare and housework. He will try to kiss me and I will tense up and kind of push him away. Suggestions on how to deal with this?

  2. Gentleness. Gentleness is an inherently feminine trait I feel I need to cultivate. I feel that my personality is naturally rather brash and strong-willed. How do you ladies show gentleness with your husbands?

  3. Home environment. I love my house and I know my husband does too. He says that all my decorating makes it home. Our house is definitely not something out of a catalog. It is filled with plants and too many colors and a dash of chaos. But it fits us đź’• Prior to covid I loved making sure the house was all clean and the pillows were fluffed and the toys were picked up before my husband got home. But now he is home all the time, and with 2 kids under 3 I can't keep the house clean all the time. And I'm struggling to create this peaceful atmosphere. In a ideal world for me, he would go back to work and when he came home the kids and I could greet him with the clean house and a snack/ drink (coffee or tea). But I'm struggling with this now.

  4. Kids. I want to be a soft place to land for my kids. I had a severe bout of depression at the beginning of 2020. I'm almost glad it happened because the therapy and medication helped me to work on my other issues such as irritability and anger. I don't yell at my kids anymore. But I do still snap at my toddler when she doesn't listen. Any recommendations on how to deal with toddler rebellion? How to parent as a mother instead of as a father?

And any advice or input about being a "soft place to land" for your husband?