So in the RPWi Random Thoughts post I had made a question that I thought might be a good discussion piece.

The idea of vulnerability is what I believe fosters the most intimacy within a relationship. I feel that for women that means submitting and allowing her SO to take more control. But how does that manifest for men?

To start here is the definition

Vulnerable: Adjective Capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt

Here are some other questions to think about and/or discuss.

  1. Is that really how vulnerability manifests for women?

  2. Are there other ways for vulnerability to happen?

  3. How does vulnerability manifest for men?

  4. Is it really vital for men?

reminder This is not a debate thread. This is a discussion thread that RP ideologies should apply to. If you want to have a debate, might I point you to /r/PurplePillDebate and you can start a thread there. :D