I just got out of a relationship with my girlfriend we broke up because I said I watched porn once and she said she was disgusted by me then later that day while I was at the gym she text me and tell me she didn’t want to be with someone who was insecure because She had male friends and I told her that I wanted to meet the guy who she was cool with or if some dudes who she say was her old friends from high school if I asked whose texting you she considered that insecure I tried telling her I didn’t care if she did have male friends I just wanted to get to know the guy or if she goes out let me know so I’ll at least know she’s safe so she broke up with me cause she feels I was insecure I didn’t think I was it hurts a lot and I don’t know where else to go for advice my sister told me to move on because she’s a single mother and she’s 21 and it was just a fling I just need some advice from men on what I should do after this breakup
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