Hello ladies!

Happy to be here with an update.

For reference: I'm 26F, he's 26M. Together 6 years.

I've posted in the past about:

  • His picky eating habits vs. my foodie cooking
  • His reluctance to move in with me

I'm happy to report the following:

  • He's moved in and is paying more than I requested (I asked for half, he's supplementing 65% - makes him feel more like a man by providing more! win win!)

  • We meal plan together (with Wednesday being "Wildcard Wednesday" where I get to make WHATEVER I WANT) and haven't had a single issue regarding any homemade meals. His palate has expanded INSANELY and he's starting to get excited about Wednesday more than grilled chicken/rice/broccoli Mondays. He no longer says/does anything that feels discouraging/insulting of my cooking and I'm not forcing him to eat things he doesn't like. So another win-win.

  • I also mentioned in an update thread (I think it was valentines day) that his own dad (his mom & dad are redpilled af and incredible role models) asked him "WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU MARRIED HER YET?" and he decided to corner me on St.Pat's (they're Irish) to tell me all about the cute little baby socks he saw at the store and when I wanted to have kids. (aka - parents more than approve!)

  • This morning, after an amazing weekend - he told me I can start showing him the rings I like (I've been meekly asking for months) and that we should finally go get our nails done together (He works with his hands and I've been asking him to try a manicure with me (to improve his cuticles so they stop bleeding) and we have a giftcard (so he doesn't think it's a waste of money). I've only asked that he considers 3 things when asking me to marry him - my nails are done, my skin is clear and it's being filmed.

(Small but important - his "side passion" has become his full-time income, I put in a lot of hard work to help him with this with no payout for myself (be very wary, this is not for everyone) but it has paid off significantly, he's estatic about his company).

So, ring - check. Nails - check. Parents - check.

He's also been relentlessly telling me how "life-changing" and "absolutely amazing" and "the best year yet" this spring is going to be for us.

So, my dots have connected and IM GETTING ENGAGED!!!!!

I'll obv update once the ring is actually on my finger, but I just wanted to offer a small field report as to what RP values can do for many people. I was bluepill, a raging feminist when he met me. I learned I actually, truly, wanted nothing more than to be a wife and mother. I found out he loves that too, and wants to support me. I found new ways to communicate, to take care of myself, to let go. Being redpilled was the best thing that happened to me (s/o Jordan Peterson, a prof from my university) for initializing these changes and an even BIGGER s/o to myself for turning myself into the best version of myself.

I'd also like to mention I'm depression free, something I struggled with for over 7 years. (Also I'm sure a huge factor into this possible engagement).

I feel like myself, not even an average version of myself, but the best version. Now? He liked it so he's gonna put a ring on it.

I learned my hand, I played my cards and I won the jackpot.

Keep up the work ladies, it's worth it!