Oh my gosh, I guess I don't know what to say but wow, I'm really nervous and really excited. I'm certainly going to carry the baby to term. I don't disrespect those who get abortions but it is morally wrong in my opinion so I can't do it obviously. Wow wow wow I'm going to have a baby!!! My husband was so excited and brought home flowers and chocolates for me and oohhh my gosshhh!!! I'm just so thrilled and really wanted to share. I had an IUD soo I'm not really sure why I did get pregnant, I guess we never used condoms to get a higher protection rate but I was pretty sure IUDs were a magic bullet. Well I just googled it and they have a failure rate so I guess it makes sense but the odds are so low. Regardless my husband and I are so excited and I just wanted to share!