In IRC Phantom brought up the possibility of doing another post similar to our recipe thread for RPW media such as movies, books, quotes, etc.

While the recipe thread was really fun and successful at first, it seems to have died pretty much immediately :( As an aside, that's one of the things I don't like about reddit, old threads aren't bumped up by new postings. Boo!

But anyways, one thing that several other subreddits have implemented successfully is weekly threads. See /r/xxfitness or /r/femalefashionadvice as examples. Basically, the same posts are made every week and everyone can chime in with new ideas, advice, questions, etc. These can be set up to be automatically posted through Automoderator, which would make it really easy. I thought it would be cool if we could do something similar here at RPW. Maybe do a weekly recipe, weekly media, and possibly a newbie thread for those who have just found us and would like to introduce themselves or clarify some things. Other potential ideas could be a nutrition and fitness day, makeup and style day, or even a general "talk about what's going on in your life" weekly post. They work really well to bring the community together in my experience.

Sooo in conclusion that's just an idea I had that might be fun for the community to do together. What do you think, fellow RPW and mods? :)