So, I wanted to share my perspective as a traditional wife and stay-at-home mom. I LOVE my traditional lifestyle. Adore it. I have one little girl and 2 little boys. My husband is 6’5”, very handsome, fit, makes 6 figures, and loves me very much. I’m crazy about him. He’s kind and loyal and sweet. I feel lucky every single day and I make sure my husband feels appreciated and respected.

Motherhood is a challenge but I feel fulfillment in keeping a clean, organized home, cooking homemade bread and meals, budgeting, meal planning, being home with my little ones, decorating, working out, gardening, deep cleaning, serving in my community, volunteering in my daughter’s class, creating a warm and peaceful home that’s an escape from the world, going to library story time with my toddler, making crafts with my 4 year old boy, and so on.

I realize I’m fortunate and in a position where this lifestyle is an option for me. But I was also a SAHM mom and homemaker when my husband was making 40k a year. We worked it out, we’re frugal, went without luxuries.

I share this because I have found, that although it can get tedious many days, lonely at times, and the world mocks my efforts, it’s a really rewarding option. Being an encouraging, feminine, stable, motherly, wifely presence in our home has blessed my whole family.

So if you’re considering it, I just really recommend it. I feel adored and appreciated and needed and valuable and I can’t think of a role in the career world where my efforts would be more meaningful than they are here, nurturing my own family.