Crosspost "Long term boyfriend 27m wants us to communicate but shuts down when the same thing still bugs me" from /r/relationship_advice:

We have been together for over two years now. We have been living together for the same amount of time (basically quarantined together) and we actually have gotten better with age in our relationship! I feel like that’s super rare since people go into honeymoon phase right off the bat. I even moved across the country with him for a new job and started over. We may move again and now it’s starting to frustrate me because I feel like I’m just tagging along with no true commitment. Anyway, I want to get engaged. This is a MUST and he knows that. I’m ready to take our relationship to the next level but he gives me the stereotypical guy excuse of “we will eventually, just not now” He always says that he wants us to communicate and trust me I’ve been communicating that I want to be proposed to for some time now. It’s very important to me idc what society or my family says it’s what I want to do and I am ready. This is basically the only thing we have been arguing about for the past couple of months. I don’t want to give him an ultimatum but I am hitting a point where I’m so intertwined with his decisions that I might as well be his wife. He knows this is a big issue right now and although he says he wants me to be open and honest when I’m upset, he seems to get annoyed when this is brought up (which is often) Are we just not seeing eye to eye? Does he just want to string me along? I’m becoming more desperate and it’s not a good feeling when you feel like you’re being rejected from your SO Btw: we are financially stable and have a great support system he even knows that

Posted by Green-Astronaut-5321 | 16 October 2022 | Link