Stop doing the following or you will be removed from RPW and possibly TRP.

1.) Patting the hens on the head. While I can relate to how refreshing it is for a feminine woman to confirm RP core values do not forget we are in the business of destroying pedestals. Not only are you failing to do so, but you're substituting step ladders instead. Enough.

2.) RP males: Understand that while both TRP and RPW are built from the same general knowledge base, RPW only has one sexual strategy while TRP has three. They are attempting (and succeeding) at being the most attractive women they can be in order to land an attractive high value man. This man will most likely have no idea what "RP" even means. Stick to TRP, because RPW are actively seeking relationships.

3.) Asking advice. Are you serious? You can't just avoid TRP because you don't like the tone or answer even though we both know it is exactly what you need to hear. You don't ask women for advice about women, period.