My boyfriend (33) and I (30) have been together for 3.5 years and we have a 1 year old with another on the way. Both children were planned and wanted. My boyfriend provides for us while I mostly stay home (I just started working 18 hours a week)

My dad, a narcissist, loves me very much and raised me to be a self-reliant, independent woman. He has NEVER liked my boyfriend and blatantly disrespects him in a sly, roundabout way almost constantly.

My partner reluctantly confessed to me that when he asked my dad for his blessing a few months ago, he was rejected. I am absolutely furious and the both of us have had it with my dad.

I don’t know what to do. I’m not dying for a wedding or anything. I’m perfectly content with my family the way we are now, but my dad keeps shoving a wedge between us and it’s breaking my heart.

FWIW my boyfriend spoke to my mother separately. She absolutely gave her blessing. I have not spoken to either of my parents about this since I found out.

Any advice? Words of wisdom? Similar stories? I have no one to turn to who might understand except this community.