I dont know if this is going to be received well or not but its just something I’ve noticed. I’m 5’3, pretty petite, and have a pretty face. I’ve never gotten huge or anything but my weight has fluctuated between 135-160 in the last few years and there is a noticeable change in the way people treat me when I am smaller vs. bigger. Men take me more seriously, women go out of their way to be my friend and invite me places, strangers compliment me. Like its a whole other world. I’m currently 144 right now and am working on getting down to 125-130 (I’m naturally curvy so anything smaller would look wrong on my body type)…I used to really struggle with the difference in treatment bc I’m still the same person no matter what it says on the scale but now I just use it as a motivator. I’m 22, I live in an upper class area near a major city, and as of right now have three dates scheduled with all high value men (all make over $150k, with established careers, over 6 foot, come from good families, and went to prestigious universities + theyre all kind and well respected men). I wouldnt be in the position I’m in now if I still weighed 160, I know that for a fact. If you are seriously looking for your future partner start taking your health seriously. Its probably the best thing you can do for yourself and is one of the biggest factors in attracting high quality men whether we like it or not.