While chatting with other parents in the local park or school yard, it isn't uncommon to hear people speak about their children as angelic beings. In a way they're right, children don't have the full capacity to choose between right and wrong and are therefore not held accountable for their actions, causing them to be pure like the angels.

However, the same parents might refer to the neighbor's kid as a monster. Why is their child an angel and the neighbor's child a monster? Which is the objective truth?

Self centered

When a child is born, the world revolves around them. They don't relate to anything outside their own needs. Even their mother isn't her own person in the mind of a newborn. The mother is merely a food supply.

As the child develops, the notion of being the center of the universe is challenged more and more. A healthy child will continue to travel down the path that places it's original self centered mentality in the rear view mirror. A person who remains self centered is often considered to be immature.

What we see from this is that a person's natural state is to be a self centered monster who has no empathy for others. A good upbringing will nurture empathy and other traits that are useful.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

Human history is filled with tragic stories of people taking advantage of others. The specifics differed, but there's one thing that's the same - power with no counterbalance brings out the natural inner monster.

When faced with the power to do something and the ability to get away with it or worse, the support from society - it takes extraordinary strength to withstand temptation to engage in monstrous behavior.

Ssexual and relationship dynamics

Men generally have a sex drive that's much higher than that of women. Men also tend to be much stronger than women. This means that men will express power through force and women through manipulation in general and sexual manipulation in particular.

In the past, you weren't free to do whatever you wanted. There were societal norms and certain things were unacceptable. Today, more and more behavior is more acceptable than ever. Furthermore, today a lot is blamed on men. Men are demonized and ridiculed. Women are glorified, protected and empowered. The result is a very imbalanced dynamic between the genders causing sexual and relationship frustration across the board.

Many men are desperate for sex either because no woman wants them or because their wives lost interest. Many women can't find a suitable man either because their expectations are way too high or because they ignored all the good guys while banging bad boys.

Many men are divorce raped by their ex wives and the court system. Made to lose everything, to pay more than they can and to lose access to their children. Others are falsely accused of rape or abuse, tarnishing their reputation and job prospects, sometimes for life. Yet others are sperm-jacked against their will. This isn't because women are inherently bad people, it's because women are given unfettered power and the ability to get away with these things. In certain countries where men have the power and ability to do whatever they want, they beat, rape, rob, pillage and murder. Look at some of the nation's in Africa and the middle east for examples. Both extremes are destructive.


TRP is all about understanding the realities of life. It's a toolbox. Hopefully you'll use the toolbox for good endeavors. Understanding the power you have access to can enable you to do horrific things or wonderful things. It's really up to you. Will you use this knowledge to channel your inner monster or to unleash it? To improve your marriage or to destroy it? To heal gender relations or to drive the wedge further?

You have the freedom to choose right or wrong, good or bad.

It really is up to you.
