Hi guys, first time commentor here, frequent lurker! I usually never post on this kind of personal stuff on the internet, but I'm over the moon these past days and had to share.

Before I stumbled across this sub, I began a relationship with a man who I have always loved deeply and respected. He is the most upright, responsible, and devoted man I have ever met, very high value, but I never had the tools to describe him exactly. In the beginning we had many problems and lots of fights. Cue a few years in and I felt so stuck. Both of us knew we loved each other so much, so we couldn't end it, but it also seemed like we were stuck in a cycle, where we would constantly make the same mistakes. I began to think we were fated to be stuck in a problematic relationship that couldn't grow more profound - actually, it is a lot like most of the relationships I see around me. (We all know those couples don't we? In relationships for years, but unable to move forward into the happy realm of marriage.)

Well, enter stage this sub! While I don't agree with everything here, the relationship advice seemed to match us so well I couldn't ignore it. He is a masculine man in heart and character, and I am sometimes an emotional wreck with perfection and control issues lol. He would always accuse me of not trusting him and overriding his decisions and never having his back. He felt like I was always making everything else in my life a priority above him. How could I not, when every corner tells us that our self-care and career should be priority for the sad plights of historically abused and used Woman? All the advice I heard in person and online (not from RP) was telling me that as a woman, I held every trump card. I didn't have to address the issues he had with me or change for him - he should learn to deal with it. So why didn't it work for me? Why couldn't I make this high value man commit to me fully? I was always sad and so deeply confused.

Since actively trying the advice from this sub (truly listening to his problems and concerns, stopping nagging (for god's sake), doing more for him and submitting to his decisions, retooling myself as a soft place for him to land, etc.) we are so much happier. I saw every effort I deliberately put out to him returned a thousand fold. I never wanted to do "too much" for him because the women around me would see that as weak and submissive, but it's not true guys. When I began doing sweet things for him and helping him deal with stresses of his life better, he began doing even more for me too. Pretty fairytale stuff folks :)

In an absolutely surprising gesture, he proposed to me a few nights ago!!! We have been dating for years, so of course we had talked about it, but it had always ended with him saying he didn't think I was ready for marriage, and he couldn't do it until he saw I was as committed to him as he was to me. Well, seems like I got good enough ladies, and so much thanks to this sub! LOL

I'm more happy than I ever thought I could be about this. It's so fulfilling to find, develop, and keep the love of a wonderful man, despite what corporate media outlets want women to think. Love you guys, you smart and successful women, and thank you so much!