Sherry Argov is the author of those "Why Men Love (Marry) Bitches" books. How do you feel about these, if you read them? Do you think they are RPW or not? The title is shock value mainly. It's supposed to just mean a woman with self respect.

I vacillate on my opinion of these. So did my friend who recommended them. Later ended up changing her mind saying the books were bad.

I like her ideas of not giving wife privileges to some guy who didn't earn it. And how men don't want you to check off the "husband" box from your list, they want you to fall for them as a person. Women are the same, it's normal.

I agree that nagging doesn't work and that emotional distance is better. But there is something in her attitude that comes off really disrespectful to men. It's one thing to not nag and to step back when a guy acts complacent, but it's another to get an attitude. She's also really big on career and financial independence and how men only fall for women on top of their game all the time. The number of men in love with poor strippers who are vulnerable emotionally would prove that wrong.

I just can't decide if these are books I would recommend. Take what you like and leave the rest. But I want to know better titles that don't have an attitude that men are dogs.

Edit: I'm hungering for more books and RP sources online so anything you got do share!