I (25F) am in a relationship with a guy (32M) and he possesses a lot of good traits I have been looking for in a potential husband. We met almost 3 months ago and he has been ticking many of my boxes. I have been single and actively dating for over a year and I haven't been willing to settle until I find what I want. I decided to give him a chance because he was different from all the guys pursuing me. We were on the bus and he randomly came up to me and respectfully greeted and asked how I was doing etc...he then straight shot his shot and asked me on a date. It was so brave of him because it was in front of a lot of people and he stood a great chance of being rejected. Because of his bravado which sparked my interest in him, I agreed to go on our first date and then I proceeded to give him my numbers. Since then he has consistently called and checked in.
As we have been getting to know each other, I was glad to learn that we have the same spiritual beliefs and hold traditional values, he is entrepreneurial (multiple successful businesses), comes from a two-parent household (like me), and does not have any children (like me), believes in being a protector and provider, is family-orientated, has consistently shown interest and generally want the same things out of life. I have had the big things before and never amounted to anything so right now I am into the mundane stuff that everyone else overlooks.
Since we are both born-again Christians, we both agreed to be celibate until marriage. I have been celibate since my relationship ended (same as he). Since my last relationship was my first and only sexual relationship, I did not like the changes that took place once we got sexual, and the relationship kinda shifted to just being about sex which I vowed to myself to do things differently in my next relationship.
I was happy that we were in agreement with one another about sex and since we're in the second month of our relationship, I also aim to use this time to build a strong foundation for our relationship outside of sex. The past week he has been crossing sexual boundaries we both agreed to, even after I addressed it with him. I will mention that I am an attractive woman; I am feminine, I have a beautiful body and I am in shape, I always look good, even to go to the grocery store, I don't miss (even my friends make fun of me) and just generally take care of myself physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally etc...so I get it why it's hard for him to follow through but those boundaries are important for me not just on a spiritual level but know it's too soon to form a sexual connection with someone I am still building a foundation with and trying to get to know.
Initially, I had suggested we don't kiss but I hit a compromise as my problem with kissing is that it warms you up for sex which is counterproductive if that is not the direction you're trying to take. Every time we make out and it gets intense I push for us to stop because he takes his clothes off and begs for us to have sex. A big part of me honestly just wants to give in because I am just warmed up as he is and he knows his way around my body but unlike him, I can control myself. It worries me that asking him to stop the first or second time just doesn't work, I have to push through or push him away for him to stop. Obviously, that is a major and concerning red flag for me but I am also so confused because outside of that he is a catch and all I want.
I am not expecting perfection from anyone, I understand that relationships require a lot of work and I know people will always come with problems, but with him, that's the only problem I have. I enjoy our makeout sessions and like that we have sexual chemistry but I believe these boundaries exist for a reason and will be equally beneficial for both of us, especially in the long run.
I don't know if I should end things for my safety or wait it out a bit and see if there would be any improvements because I really like him.
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