Every Interaction is a Business deal

94 points7 commentssubmitted by Heinzdoofens to r/TheRedPill

Summary: Behavior Psychology

Humans have evolved over the years to adopt and thrive in their environment. Nature has evolved us such that we are sufficiently equipped to get the best deal of any situation and of life. It has also evolved us to take care and defend ourselves from others who may be a threat to our survival.

Subconsciously, we are trained to con other people for our own gains. All of us are actually really really selfish deep inside. The personality we build is just an act and a mask to fool other people. We may fool ourself in believing a particular approach/personality will attract the maximum advantage, and we will change our whole identity and personality to follow that goal.

Each and every one of us are equipped to overthrow others, the one who are on the top are identified as alpha, while the bottom are called beta. In reality, everyone is a set of masks.

You may have heard of narcissists and their fake masks and acts. The truth is, everyone has a face which only they know, and a face they show to the whole world. As much as people have you believe humans work on emotions, no we do not, we make a well planned decision based on the present opportunities presented to us. It has long been a theory that we all are praxeologists.

Each and every one of us sit alone and plan to scheme and win over the world. This is the face we do not show.

Having these assumptions, it becomes very easy to understand everything that happens around us.

If this is the rule, we are only attracted to things which are beneficial to us.

  • Lifting gives you an advantage as you will actually be more healthy than the normal population. You will be a genetically superior deal for anyone who has lesser looks or is less healthier than you. Visceral Attraction is just our body identifying a genetically superior and beneficial option. This is exactly why a fat guy is attracted to a hot girl, at his present health and genetic state of all the years of unhealthy food, she is the best genetic deal for him. For her, if the guy has enormous enormous money, which she could never dream of making in her life, he is her ticket to a meal. She will actively cuckholding him using him for his money and cheating on him with the hot guy, because the hot guy is healthy/genetically good deal. She cannot control her attraction to him, while she has a disgust towards the husband.

  • Her decision to marry the fat shlob, the fat shlob's decision to seduce that girl with free gifts and money and compliments, the hot guy's decision to start lifting after an epiphany are all survival mechanisms to get the best deal out of the situation they are presently in. A decision to con the other while making sure they have the best deal.

  • We are creatures of lust, greed, power, money etc.

  • We are all con-men trying to con the other while making sure we get the best deal.

Because of its actual truth, confronting other people of their motivations, discussing this actual working of everything, revealing your cards, or revealing their cards, or overtly begging them to show their cards, or to demand a better deal overtly earns you disdain. Never reveal the magic trick.

Because of its covert nature, we feel secure only if we think we have successfully conned the other successfully.

  • A stable relationship only exists if each party believes they have the better deal while conning the other.

Be it friendship, relationship, fuck buddy or an actual business deal, we only seek that which is better.

The bluepill beta is satisfied he has a better deal as he has fooled his wife, he will get her looks and her pussy in return for his useless money. The wife is satisfied she has a better deal as she just has to just exchange her body, to huge amounts of money.

Two good looking fuck buddies are satisfied as they both are just sharing their bodies and passing time.

The problem occurs when one confronts the other for a bad deal. The beta may demand for sex, as she realizes she has no longer fooled him, she realizes the guy has found the only weapon she has used to fool him. This will lead to all sorts of unstable behaviors from her as being found out is a threat to her survival. Therefore she makes arrangements to cheat on him.

Overt declarations of love, demands for love do not work because of this sole reason. You do not directly make a deal like that. Our cognitive dissonance cannot handle that. You cannot demand for sex in exchange for gifts.

She has to think she is fooling you by submitting to you. She has to think that she has won soo successfully that you cannot control yourself and you uncontrollably kissed her and surrendered to the desire to fuck her. This is exactly why asking for sex does not work even in families. While losing control in the moment and letting things happen do.

  • Men feel control when they have dominated someone. Women feel control when they have successfully submitted to someone to make sure the dominator takes care of them.

All these are subconscious, you do not have control over this. We are wired to feel happy/sad/depressed/..... in order to ensure we make such best decisions for ourselves when presented with the opportunity.

As women have much to lose because of 9 months of pregnancy, they are wired to detect incongruencies in behavior. They are wired to see motives behind actions. This is exactly why they are disgusted by the nice guy. They can see through him.

  • This is why the requirement of frame is essential for any success in life. A Strong frame signifies you will not change yourself to fool others. A Strong frame signifies you have fooled yourself so much so that you are unable to break some rules and principles you have set yourself. This is why a Strong Frame attracts people. Everyone feels secure under your frame as they feel your frame is genuine. They know they have changed themselves to please people, be it friends or superiors. They are testing if you are a snake or are you strong.

  • A Shit test is a test to test your mask. Women know they are wearing a fake mask. They are testing if you are wearing a mask.

  • Following a mission is strongly advised as being focused on your mission makes you lose yourself and your mask. You appear the most genuine. You do not care about peoples opinion about you. You do not care about luring people towards you. This is exactly why people are attracted to you. You may not exchange small talk with them, but they feel secure just by your demeanor. Their subconscious detects you are not a threat.

Some people may have misunderstood Game for acting charming/acting funny/acting amusing/acting non judgmental to lure people towards you. But remember this, when you act that way, everyone will know you are acting fake/incongruent. You may make thousands of friends, but in reality no one will respect you. They will see you for what you are, a chameleon, twisting his frame as needed. It may appear you are the center of the party. It may appear that you may get all the girls, in reality you are not. No one respects you. They are just using you for validation. Game is not that. This is Girl Game. This is the game girls play as they do not know any better. This is the one they can easily detect as they too are playing it.

Game is allowing people to submit under your frame all the while having a smirk and amused mastery on your face. Even if you lack game, people will submit under you if you have a strong frame.

Marriages do not work not because of familiarity, but because of lack of respect. The wife loses respect as she finds out the real face behind the mask of her husband. Of the lazy good for nothing guy, who fooled her with his money and fake hobbies. She loses respect that he does not have anything genuine about him. She loses respect as she finds out he does not have genuine passion for anything. She finds out he is just a face swapping snake just like she is. She finds out everything about him is just about winning over the opposite sex, nothing more, nothing less. He finds out she is not all sunshine. She is nothing as adventurous or exciting as he once found her. He realizes she is just a good looking cunt. He too finds out everything about her was just to lure the opposite sex.

This is exactly why frame and respect are the most important things in a relationship. You must be genuine. Your frame must be genuine.


  • Follow your mission

  • Try to earn more respect instead of more fake friends. This is Frame.

  • Improve in all areas of life. Every interaction is just an exchange of value, be it money/status/looks/validations....

  • Improve your value as you cannot fake value. If you improve, you will be in a position to exchange it for whatever you want.

  • Lift as you will be the best genetic deal possible for women. Nothing can beat a biologically motivated visceral attraction.