This is my throwaway for reading the red pill and other subversive subgroups. I also browse the blue pill with this account. Many of the blue pill posts are links to current red pill posts with a "OMG, I can't believe how horrible these people are".

This is overt preaching-to-the-choir arguments. They're not useful for convincing anyone of anything. But they do fill space with meaningless chatter. Republicans and Democrats are fundamentally at odds over Obamacare not because of details of the bill like how much premiums are but because they are fundamentally in disagreement about whether or not everyone should have free access to health care.

Lots of Red Pill truths (All Women Are Like That, Women are the most responsible teenagers in the room, Let the hamster run, etc.) are things that red pillers and blue pillers fundamentally disagree about, so arguments that rely on the assumption or denial of these fundamental precepts don't convince anyone of anything, they just serve as belief confirmation.

That being said, most red pill posts give an anecdote as confirmation of some underlying principle of the red pill worldview. All women really are like that: here's an example.

Thanks for letting me waste your time for a few minutes.