Edit: Major edit. I see how the transition from explaining how I used to be a dick to my grandma example can twist that translation and seem that I handled her recklessly. I have made corrections where necessary.

Been thinking about life from a woman's perspective since swallowing the pill. A buddy of mine, a natural alpha who sees what we know as 'game' as common sense to him, would often open me with "hey dick what's going on?". When I first started gaming, I looked for and found every opportunity to be an asshole. So much so, that I was really being a dick. Here's why.

Women have life on easy mode. It is so god damn easy that they inherently find hard or difficult things to be bad. Pay attention to the words they use in conversation. Everything they say sounds soft. Didn't pick up a talent on the first try? Not for them. Physical activities leaving them bruised? Nope.

In woman-world everything is going swimmingly. They naturally live in abundance and everything is spoon fed to them. So when they are left to their own "female adult" agency, not being led as we would call it, they find it to be bad. Here's an example:

I worked on some hardware for a machine I put together. My grandmother comes over to me and asks me if my part came in the mail. Seeing as I've already put it together, I gesture to the table "see for yourself" in an enthusiastic tone aiming to encourage her having more interest in the things I busy myself. Fire burns in grammas dying 'lil eyes and she shuffles off complaining to grandpa that I was, and I quote, "so nasty" to her about my machine that she doesn't want to ever hear another word about it. I did nothing wrong. Well, in man-world (reality) I did no wrong, but in woman-world, I did not flash a brilliant smile, grasp her hand, and skip over to the other side of the room leaving a trail of rainbows behind us. Because I did not exert extraneous energy on her behalf, I was rude.

Women live on a completely different social plane than us. Easy street comes with entitlement because only things that don't go easy for them must be malicious intent from their perception.

This is why you don't need to "force" being an asshole. By being a man, doing your own shit on your own terms, and not supplicating any extra energy to any man or woman, you will be by default be seen as a complete, disrespectful, hateful asshole.

Because in the female world of hugs, kisses, and hand-holding, failure to do so might as well be a slap to the face.