I can't post under /r/TheRedPill because this is a new account, but I figured this was the next best place until I get approved to post.

I just want your opinions on this:

This is based on the grounds of cheating on your SO, but can be applied to literally any other situation.

If something happens, let's say a man sleeps with another woman that is not his SO, but no one ever finds out. I'm talking not his best friend, not some random guy he doesn't know, not even with his group of close buddies during a drunken stupor.

Now let's say the person he slept with has no idea who the man is or whether or not he has SO. She is not connected to any part of his life -friends, co-workers, family, etc. - this is strictly some random encounter that will not be followed up by either party.

In reality, he has slept with someone else. He has committed this evil, frowned upon act of adultery (or merely acted on his natural instincts, but hey).

But since no one else knows, he doesn't brag about it to anyone, and the other party has no interest in following up, the perception to everyone else is that it never happened.

The man continues on with his life, pretending it never happened, falling back behind his "white knight" facade, and everyone would go about their lives as if nothing had changed.

Is there anyway you could view this as amoral? The only thing that matter is the perception other people have of you, so why worry about what actually happened as long as you maintain that perception?

DISCLAIMER - I am not some fucking twat who is looking for a round of emotional support because I've just fucked a woman who is not my SO. In fact, I do not have a SO nor am I in any sort of relationship.

I constantly think about what people actually do in their purest form of privacy. I try to identify in my head if people are putting on some type of act. Some people are better at it than others, others try to seek approval by getting too comfortable and spilling the beans.

I believe that in every situation that involves personal pleasure or extreme gratification, that every person would carry out the necessary actions to achieve them if they knew that NO ONE would ever find out. They would sleep with that desired person if their SO would have no way of finding out about it. They would murder that person they truly and deeply despise... if there were no repercussions or judgement from others.

Someone once told me that your "character" is defined by what you do when no ones looking. I think this is horseshit. I think by this definition everyone has the same character because if no one was truly watching we'd act on our natural instincts. I think the true definition of character is what other people see in you when they think you don't know they're watching/judging.

I believe this is the right place for this because a lot of what I've read on here has to do with how women perceive us as men. Not to say that we're doing it for their pleasure, but in actuality make them think we're doing it for their approval for our own personal gain.

tl;dr The perception of what we do is infinitely more important than what we actually do, as long as we control what others know about us.