Last semester before I started reading TRP I signed up for a weight training class. I had been working out regularly anyway, but not lifting weights. Back at the end of November I started reading TRP, and everything I read really resonated with me, and so I started my journey.

Cue to now. I've been doing my weight training class for several weeks now, and I feel great. I've taken/taking women off the pedistal, I've started keto, and approaching women. I haven't had a ton of success, but I will. Today a girl I used to be close with reached out to me. This is the second time in a month. Before I ignored her because all she said was "hey." This time, she said, "Hey, I miss you." Now, back in my blue pill days I might have said I missed her too. I might have forgotten how she treated me. Leading me on only to start dating someone else a few weeks after she invited me up to visit her (She lives about 2 hours away). I have not forgotten, so I replied, "I miss you too, miss you like I miss sharecropping." (I'm black and known for dark humor) She didn't take this to kindly, and our short conversation practically ended there.

I don't give a fuck about her. I wash my hands of her. I know I'll have to deal with her in the future as she is the best friend/roommate of one of my good friends, but I'll be ready. I'm done with dealing with girl's shit and being treated poorly. Ladies, you are on notice. TRP, thank you.