Disclaimer: English is my second language so I'm sorry if I sound like a noob at times, it also may be because I'm actually still a noob.

I have been lurking for close to a year and I still don't have what it takes to post to /r/theredpill, and that's fine, but I wanted to come here to say thanks.

The first months after swallowing the pill were tough, I had a lot of anger in me, now I am a lot better, I take a lot more responsibility for my actions and I have noticed what a beta bitch I was. Needless to say my girlfriend is a lot more attracted to me and is willing to do a lot more for a lot less effort I have put into the relationship (but I have put a lot more in myself, lost 18 pounds and am starting to lift and dress better).

I kind of relaxed a little in the beginning of this year, not in front of her, but I did started reminiscing of how beautiful it would be if we could have that fairytale story, however I'm about to comeback to my redpill life (which even though it breaks your heart at first, you quickly start noticing how everyone respects you more and takes you more seriously because you aren't opening your heart to everyone now).

Anyway, today I was listening to Bruno Mars' Grenade and I was like "no, she would never, ever, catch a grenade for me" and I realized how heartbroken Bruno sounds when he says "you won't do the same" (not saying he really even cares in real life though) and I got a little bit mad again, because I had HUGE expectations of finding a beautiful partner in life with whom I would be deeply in love with and have that fairytale story, but now I know that the moment I make my future wife my life she will start wishing an alpha dude and I can't let that happen, I have to be the alpha.

And in a way it does feel better to not have to depend on ANYONE to accomplish anything you want in this life, it feels great to know that the only person you have to make happy is YOURSELF. However those sad moments come by from time to time and it still hurts. Hopefully it'll be less and less and I'll grow up to teach my kid about the lie of society (subtly of course, and progress as he ages and I see what he thinks).

That's all guys. You have entirely changed my life. I saved my relationship with my unicorn (just kidding, awalt) and I also saved my life. Thank you.