Occasionally I see conversations regarding "real alpha" comparing two users in a similar context to:

"You're not a real alpha. A real alpha does this.."

"I am a real alpha.. I do this!"

"This board has been invaded by betas!"

Just wanted to make a note that this is basically stupid and for fucks sake drop that shit.

Stop labeling each other alphas and betas, they're terms we use to classify particular behaviors and help demonstrate good versus bad behavior. Nobody is intrinsically an "alpha," some people just have more alpha traits than others. Stick to constructive criticism and drop the stupid out-alpha talk. It's not seddit folks, this conversation has become a caricature of itself.

If somebody is making stupid mistakes, correct them, but don't get into a stupid fight about who's alpha and who isn't.

Furthermore, of course there are people with beta tendencies here. How the fuck do you expect them to learn?

And a note to people who are new here or have overwhelmingly beta traits and don't get it: lurk a bit. Pay special attention to Endorsed Contributors. If you keep giving terrible advice when you don't know jack shit, I might just make a new user flair: Continuous Blue Balls or something.