I know that a lot of guys (like myself) came to TRP because of a particular case of oneitis that ended up badly.

The thing is, a lot of these guys post in this sub with anger, don't get me wrong, I know that anger is good but it is only good for a while. To help you push yourself.

If you stay too much in an anger phase (which this subreddit will push you to if you start getting too much into the rant and bluepill posts) you will become bitter. And a bitter man is not a real man, he is the worst kind of man. A man that can't get over emotional pain and deception.

Something that we all have to remember constantly is that anger has to be good, if you feel anger in a negative way, in a way that demotivates you, you are simply bitter.

And we all know that bitterness is a disgusting trait in a man. Society despises a weak man, we all do.

Weakness is a luxury for cute little girls. It is a feminine trait that attracts feelings of protection. No one will want to protect your fat-neckbearded-ass.

Don't fight anger, use it.

Don't waste your anger it in this subreddit, use this place for motivation and to reframe your old and toxic perception of reality.

TRP is about seeing the world for what it really is and accepting it. Complaining about it is for the bitter.