By any standard, my Uncle "Lee" is an Alpha male - multimillionaire, many women over the years, has lifted for 45 years and still has an incredible physique for a man of any age, never mind one in his sixties. This is the type of guy who was into extreme skiing, motor sports, and has received many injuries from a lifetime of crazy shit.

In his younger years, he was apparently quite the wild man. One story that he likes to tell is how he tricked his high school into giving him permission to ride his motorcycle around the building. The principal told him to ask the vice principal for permission, while the vice principal told him to ask the principal for permission, so he took that as tacit approval. Some project or something, I don't remember the context. The way he tells the story, he actually road his bike through the building, as in down the hallways.

His stories - and there are many Uncle Lee stories - always feature him doing some insane bad boy stunt. As kids, my sisters and I would sit there enraptured...tell us what happened next! What did the principal say? Did you get in trouble?

Through other family members, I later got a different version of that event. "Uncle Lee exaggerates. He just drove his motorcycle outside around the building."


I've known a few Alpha males in my life, and if there's one thing that they all have in common (besides the usual behaviors that we discuss here), it's that they have a tendency to embellish. They exaggerate stories and accomplishments. They don't fabricate out of whole cloth - most of the stories have at least some kernel of truth - but at best, it's borderline.

Donald Trump called it "truthful hyperbole" in his book. People want to believe that some fantastical event really happened. They want to believe that something is the best, the greatest of all-time, YUGE, and fantastic. Women (and most men) don't live exciting lives. Instead, they live vicariously through Alpha male experience.

In high school, an Alpha teacher told the class a hilarious story about surviving a flash flood while volunteering in India, the roaring water ripping off his clothes and leaving him butt naked in front of the entire village. We're all sitting there laughing, and I sorta think to myself did that really happen? Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. It doesn't matter. You want to believe it, and you come back for more because you enjoy the excitement.

Honesty Is Not The Best Policy

Let's turn now to the main reason we're all here - putting our cocks into vaginas.

One common thread on askTRP concerns the guy with little or no sexual experience. Are girls turned off by a guy who has no experience?

Debate over such a question is meaningless, because it's taking place within a Blue Pill framework. We're conditioned by the likes of Oprah and Dr. Phil into believing that honesty is the best policy. It's simply taken for granted in an "open communication" world that the girl already knows, or should know, that the dude is inexperienced.

But here's my answer: why does she have to know that information in the first place? My solution is simple - lie your ass off. Or if that's too unpalatable for you, just think of it as embellishment.

I didn't kiss a girl until I was 21 years old. It was sloppy. She asked if I had ever kissed a girl before. I lied and said I did at a dance in high school.

The second girl that I ever fucked asked me about my n-count. She thought I was some major player. I lied and said I would need two hands to tally them all.

The point is, none of these girls were ever the wiser. They accepted the answers, and I never admitted the truth. How the hell would they know? I created my own exaggerated reality, they enthusiastically entered it, and we were all happier for it.

Many guys think that men ought to "say what they mean, and mean what they say." It's a very naive, almost child-like way of viewing the world. They don't realize that they're playing life by a set of rules that Alpha males completely ignore.

The reality is that Alpha men and bullshit usually go hand in hand. Alpha male charisma generates "reality distortion fields," as an Apple employee once characterized Steve Jobs's bullshittery. Not to say that they're paper tigers - again, they always have something tangible to back up the perception. They fake it even after they've made it, because it's in their nature.

IDGAF doesn't necessarily mean you own up to every truth. Oftentimes, it means you know the real just don't give a fuck about lying. Sometimes, it's okay to be totally full of shit. As Alpha male character J.R. Ewing said in Dallas: "Never tell the truth when a good lie will do."