Historically, in society men were known for being the hunter gathers, protectors of household. We fought in battles, worked difficult jobs, put bread on the table. Nowadays a lot of things changed, we have more availability of resources, technology and medicine advancements made life much easier for majority developed or developing countries. But there is still one thing remains the same, expectations about men. Easy example of such expectation is social media; comparing posts whether it’s on Instagram or TikTok what do we see? Videos posted are almost all about monetary success, career advancement, and physical appearance. Sometimes such unrealistic standards put us in a conundrum. Society tells us that if we don’t have an expensive car, big bank account, and ripped body then we don’t belong to modern society of “elites”. And perhaps they are right, thus we hustle longer hours, looking for a few streams of income, getting in debt just to have a nice whip, clothes and ability to be out in a nice place. Spending time at work and then find energy to hit the gym daily. Getting on supplements or even SARMs just to have better body, sometimes compensating for lack of great facial proportions. Learning charisma, conversational skills, to be interesting to be around with. Improving our social circle to have better network.
Almost all of us do these because we find pleasure and meaning in itself, but what do we get in return from modern society? Not good enough! Being accused of toxic masculinity. Being regarded by women as what else can you offer for them, taken advantage of and being passed onto a next one if you start losing your edge. Lose or diminish one of the mentioned: money, success, appearance, entertaining value and you will find yourself being swapped for a next guy who is still “ possesses” or appear to possess these qualities. Have a bad sexual performance day and now you are being questioned “is passion still there, does he satisfy my desires” and that’s when you might find yourself second choice. “Sex becomes boring with this one , he doesn’t intrigue me as a next guy. You heard of all the stories.
Lastly as men we just want to get appreciated for who we are, not what we have to offer. Sometimes I want woman to find me interesting and attractive not because of my material possessions, body looks but simply my intrinsic value of my personality but that’s too much to ask nowadays. So hustle hard, don’t settle and whatever you do in life do it for yourself and not to get praise from others because you will never get it, you will always be “not enough “ to others. Only family and close friends will appreciate you! Now go back and grind!
[–]riversofhell 18 points19 points20 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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[–]KillerGTS[S] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]_ChairmanLmao_ 1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]thingsjusthappened 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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