Maybe it is just my own experience (but I have known many people who have seen this happen) but as of late, I am starting to see more Asian (and Indian) guys with women of other races and I notice that the same Asian American women that hate the idea of dating Asian men also hate the fact that those same Asian men are dating other races. One of my good friends is a Korean guy engaged to this gorgeous redhead and most of the hate that couple receives is from Asian women (Asian American women in particular). The hate ranges from looks of disgust to sometimes outright calling the couple out with comments such as "wow you're dating an asian guy? how desperate are you?". I notice Indian women do this a lot too and all of these women have and are dating other races, mainly white guys.

I just don't get the entire situation in this regard. The Asian girl that refuses to date Asian guys gets to see these same Asian guys go interracial and not date girls like her, shouldn't she be happy?

How can the red pill explain what is going on this situation?