I was talking to a female friend of mine Erica about a group dinner we went a few weeks ago. There was as guy there named Jon whom she didn't really know.

Jon is loud, boisterous, slightly unattractive (overweight), aggressive, assertive, and has strong boundaries.

We were talking about the night, and I asked her if she remembered Jon making fun of how she was "only a waitress". At first she didn't remember who Jon was. She asked if he was the strong, loud person, and I said that he was.

She then thought about it and said that he was one of the only ones she remembered there. Then she thought about my question and remembered how insulted she did feel when he said that to her.

But she immediately came back and said that she even so, really likes strong-willed guys who don't take her shit. She liked the fact that he was picky with his food (strong boundaries). She said she likes and goes for guys like him.

She said that even though she was thoroughly insulted and a bit angry at him, he was strong, memorable, and she said he was the only one there she actually liked and remembered.

She remembers the guy who pushed her buttons. It didn't matter if he made her feel negative emotions. The fact that he made her feel any emotions at all made him memorable in her mind.

Girls are addicted to the emotional roller coaster.

Be like Jon, the only guy who she remembered because he made her feel something, anything (anger). Don't be like Steve. Who was Steve, you ask? Exactly.