Summary: Guy tells FWB she can't spend the night since he has work the next day. She breaks down crying.
This post brought up a question in my mind: "Is it possible that one can be a benevolent alpha?"
This guy is deeper than the original posting sounds. The post isn't the good stuff, but it's pretty standard relationships material.
We made food, had sex, she wanted to spend the night. I told her that she can spend the night on Saturday that I have work tomorrow. She insisted, I told her it isn't happening. She told me alright and headed off to the bathroom.
He held frame, didn't cave into her demands. The fact that sex happened already might've made it easier for our hero to refuse. However, if this was before, BetaMaxtm Billy probably would've agreed and received a night of comfort cuddling from the lass.
I am on my computer and then I hear crying, and she locked herself in the bathroom having a breakdown. She starts crying how she is a failure in life, that her sister has a family, and she is wasting away her life sucking dick and a bunch of other stuff.
Feminism: The wonderful belief that fucking everyone will make you happy because that's what all the guys do.
Now, in a way, this guy cares about the girl. She's just a plate, but he does care about her well-being.
The comments are where the real gold is:
Girl: May I ask why do you have no desire to be in a serious relationship with her? I'm just curious because I was asked to be in a FWB thing before I met my boyfriend and I declined for various reasons (being a virgin at the time), but what bothered me the most was how I was apparently good enough to fuck, but not good enough to date. It hurt especially more because I wanted something more from him and he wouldn't even give me the time of day unless one of us were bored and we were IMing.
Alpha: I can't really answer this question without looking like a douchebag, but the thing is I have a lot laxer standards for whom I am willing to sleep with than who I am willing to make my life partner.
Girl: Can you be more specific?
You shouldn't care about internet people thinking you're a douchebag. I don't care if you're a douchebag or not. We all do douchey things sometimes, I understand.
Alpha: For me I find sex fun so basically a girl that isn't ugly and semi attractive will do for me. for a girl to be my girlfriend, I would want her to be a good bit prettier, have a good personality, a good background etc.
Kelly right now is good for a fwb but if I was looking for a girlfriend, I'd want her to be younger, have less baggage, and prettier.
Girls fuck up and think they belong there. Meanwhile the CEO / NBA star / guy next to them is just like:
isn't ugly and semi attractive will do for me.
Now of course, as any guy rises on the SMV ladder, his tastes and standards will improve drastically. But this doesn't change the fact that dudes will fuck and chuck just to get their nuts off.
have a good personality
Women with good personalities usually want the same in a partner though, so it looks like you are out of luck there.
Ooh, totally ignoring the point where he's trying to 1) help her, and 2) that she wants a relationship with him. Gotta love that logic.
Are you saying she has no personality? And what do you mean by good background?
Alpha: I just don't connect well with her personality. And by good background meaning she has a good education, good family etc. I am not gonna date a girl who has had drug problems in the past, or failed out of college.
Again, men are the gatekeepers of commitment, women are the gatekeepers of sex.
Damn you're a POS. Younger??? A year younger than you is too old? You've been using this poor woman for 2 YEARS with no regard for her perspective or experience and you mislabel your relationship as "FWB" when you regard her as beneath you, you don't actually act like a friend and yet have been doing the faux-couple thing for, again, 2 YEARS.
You're not boyfriend material, bud.
Mmm... guy reveals that age matters to men. Gets crucified. I swear this could be a troll post with how much TRP is in it.
The one thing that does bother me is: why does this guy care? We've seen him hold frame in our limited examples, with her and with the commentators on his post.
Chad would've just cut her off, ignored her texts, etc. She is a 29 year old who's ridden on the CC, who's dropped out of college and has drug issues.
I am kind of worried about her and I really don't want her to do anything crazy in my place.
Is a 'benevolent' alpha something that's possible? His post and comments imply that in some way, she matters to him more than a simple fucktoy, but less than a relationship kinda girl. He could just theoretically move on.
My take on it is that there were always Chads throughout history. However, due to the repressive societies up through the first half of the 20th century, Chads were, for the most part, taught how to behave with some mediocrum of decency (don't fuck married women, get younger unmarried chicks instead). Whether this teaching was effective or not is a completely different question.
However, in our modern day arena, where boys grow up without father figures (thanks feminism!), there exists no force to regulate Chad Thundercock's Lightning. My dad beat me. My high school football coach's dad belted him if he swore in front of a lady. There were standards that all men had to (theoretically) adhere to in order to get sex, and women who fucked men outside these standards were shamed as whores.
Sure, for every Chad there's 4 boys who become White Knight Manginas, but a single mother can only spend so much time indoctrinating her sons on 'being nice to girls and they'll like you back'.
Look no further than the black community. A generation of boys growing up fatherless has led to increased crime and incarceration rates, and higher rates of teen mothers than other minorities in America. However, the majority of them aren't betas, they don't follow the 20/80 principle, the vast majority of them are alpha as fuck.
Thus, we see the modern Chad, no longer fettered by the upbringing of a stable father to kick him into place.
Hell, we celebrate being a modern Chad here on TRP - not that there's any problem with it. I'm just wondering if any of the older folk here have any insight into this.
Lessons learned:
Well, this is almost too perfect of an example of red-pill ideas in action. The question comes up though, is a benevolent alpha possible? And why are they so rare?
[–]tymet322 points [recovered] (55 children) | Copy Link
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[–]GoldPisseR2 points [recovered] (6 children) | Copy Link
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[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]cutegirlsthrowaway 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Tom_The_Human 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]pilledwillingly 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]ModAerobus 0 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]1London-Bananas -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Hokuto199x -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]user6580 -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Racefiend -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Spiral-knight -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]watersign -1 points0 points1 point (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]musclebound92 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]1iluminatiNYC -2 points-1 points0 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] -2 points-1 points0 points (0 children) | Copy Link