
AWALT, Tingles > Romance, Abundance Mentality, in action.


So I mentioned, in a comment to a now-deleted thread, that one of my plates {really more of a “plate emeritus” at this point, as she’s been away1 } will be coming by the week of President’s Day, which she has off. I don’t particularly feel like going anywhere that week {I will be “working from home”, but that just means I have cell coverage and internet access wherever I am}, so she’ll be swinging by for some fun, sort of like and X-rated “sleepaway camp” for grown-up girls. She does have to put in an appearance at home, but she will do that at the start of the week.

A few fun facts:

• She is currently “fighting” with her parents, which makes my place an ideal landing spot.2 Thus she proposed spending most of the week with me. I don’t have any other special plans, so I’m easy either way.

• She’s choosing to drop in to home over the weekend, and then decamp to Stately Wayne Manor. Why? Because shark week will be ending over the weekend, and it’s better for her to be on the rag at her parents’ house and get that shit over before she comes over to my place. More importantly, she’s planning her week around when it will be more fun for me to rail her out. That’s important because….

• After she reached out to me, I checked her social media, particularly InstaWhore, because I like to get the lay {pun intended} of the land—as I recently posted, older guys should pretend that they have zero clue about InstaWhore etc., so that you can “Distrust but Verify”. Lots of the usual bullshit, no photos with guys, but lots of party pics, some duck face, yada-yada. There is one guy who consistently likes her photos, so I check out his social media and….

• The other shoe drops. His page has quite a few pics of her and with her, some lovey-dovey stuff, etc., but all G/PG-rated. He is either her boyfriend or her Orbiter in Chief. Do I give a shit? No. Why? Because…

• I’m not wifing her up, or looking for an LTR. This week, I’m going to enjoy her parading around her lithe, workout-trim, lingerie-clad 23 year old body for me. God/The Universe/Nature is sending me young, tight, fun 23 y.o. pussy. I’m like a lazy infielder, if it’s hit right at me, I’m going to snag it. I will spend a lot of time manhandling her ass because Possession of the Ass is 9/10th of The Law. Also, as she is a talented cocksucker, she will be providing me with high-grade head. If I want to tie her up, I’ll tie her up—I made sure to mention this in a pre-game email I sent to her, and she replied that she’s looking forward to it. That email goes into the “never to be deleted” pile. She’s never been a problem before, but why take chances?

• Do I feel bad for this guy? Meh, not really. He’s an orbiter for all I know, and he’s blue pill as fuck. I’m sure he suggested they spend the week together, and I’m sure he got a “we’ll see” or a “maybe” {which is how girls say “no” and “fuck, no” } until she found out whether I was available or not.

• Could she suddenly be hit with a “miracle cure” and fall into the arms of Sir White of Knight, and then they gallop away together on his trusty steed, Fedora? Yep. Do I give a shit? Nope. She’s a fun lay, but I have other plates, and don’t give a shit one way or the other. Abundance Men-Fucking-tality

Lessons Learned:

AWALT, AWALT, AWALT, motherfuckers, AWALT!!

Abundance mentality.

23 year-old pussy is fun, but often flaky, not that you should care.


1 Plates come and go. For on-going plates, I typically require fidelity, b/c it keeps them focused on the right things and keeps them from getting fucked in the head over some other guy and messing up my fun. Not fair? Get thee over to "BluePillCucks", forthwith. No woman is "entitled" to a relationship with me on her terms. If she doesn't like the conditions I set, she can walk.

2 In fairness, they do kind of suck. Esp. her mom.