I've been listening a lot to Rollo lately and also listening to ladies on K.S. & F&F podcast.

What finally dawned on me, after hearing so many ladies blabber nonsense, is that many women especially in their 20s but also in their 30s (and some even in their forties smh) have no clue what shit costs. How financing works, budgeting, retirement etc. It's generally understood that women don't give as much as a shit about numbers as men but many of them have never even thought about basic shit like 'how much does raising 1 kid from 0-18 cost?' or 'how much do I need to have saved up to be able to retire at 65?'. Many just yolo their 20-30s away while hoping for the best (meaning; some HVM scoops them up)

Women coming on these podcasts wanting 2-3 kids, be a stay-at-home mom for at least a few years and work part-time afterwards but they are clueless how much $ a man would need to provide every month to support this. (10k+ if you want to live somewhat comfortably). They are also clueless that only about 10% of men earn this much (most of which are in age range 45-55).

Then they talk about how they are independent and don't need to rely on a man's finances right? This is usually BS, if you look at the statistics there are only about 1/3 as many high earning women as there are high earning men. The careers women tend to prefer aren't lucrative, they work less hours and fewer years on average. Extremely few women run profitable, productive and anti-fragile businesses. Only a very small percentage of women earns enough to afford to be a single mother and live comfortably. The other ones (95%+) need assistance from a man/the government(which is funded by male tax payers) and will still struggle.

Too many deluded women think they don't need a BB and are all going after the top 10% of men, craving their AF in their 20s, while most don't stand a chance to land one of these guys. I see 50yo women around me divorcing their 100k+ earning men while they barely make 30k themselves, it's ridiculous. You would think these women have some common sense but they don't and they will end up alone with 4 cats and on government assistance by the time they are 65.

If you are a man in your 30-40s, earning 100k+ annually, looking good, confident, assertive, you got game etc. Goddamn if life isn't sweet.