The best way to practice alpha game is to plate women you genuinely don't care about.

You heard me. A lot of you men have women interested in you that you feel are beneath you. 6's or women you find to be "trashy" you refuse to date a woman with a high partner count or is really dumb.

You refuse to date a woman who has an incompatible personality with you or different beliefs.

That's the point.

If you know Sarah got banged out by 3 guys in the bathroom the only thing you could think when you look at her is "gross" No matter what kind of charm she tries to play on you, you will never be able to get that image out because of your high standards.

By dating these types of women you are going to passively, naturally put out alpha game. Would you really consider giving up your hobbies for Sarah? Would you really consider picking her up from Chad's place after he's done with her? Would you really be nervous around this creature you think is beneath you?

No, you wouldn't. And that's the point, use these women you don't like as test dummies. Build up experience with them, get used to knocking away shit-tests.. get used to not caring if a woman threatens to leave you. (You never cared about her that much to begin with).

These women are practice, a lot of you men are going out there lifting.. getting rich and improving your social game, you screen out all these women and find "the one" only to fuck it up because of your lack of experience.

Trust me, it's okay to fuck a slut..especially if their morals disgust you cause then you can't get trapped or played with.

There's so many women out there that are DTF but you have to be okay with the fact that they make shit company.

Get used to it men, and remember don't fuck fatties (Validating them for being piece of shits.)

If you're worried about how other people would view you because your plate is retarded then you're still beta. You shouldn't need another persons validation.

There are men on this subreddit who are lacking experience and yet they're looking for someone to care about so that they can practice "not caring" which probably gets them caught in a loop.

I'm not telling men they have to date/plate people who are unattractive date/plate a bunch of uglies , but a high-standard male seems to be dropping women for having a slutty past, not being smart or some other reason when they should be using them for practice.

Edit: for clarification This is not about men avoiding women who fit their standards. Some of us have specific qualities in a woman that we might not find anytime soon. It has nothing to do with rejection or things not working out. There are MGTOW because they can't find a woman who fits their standards and even when they do they slip up because they don't have experience.