Summary: I've met my ex-girlfriend 1 year after our break-up. It was my first serious LTR (I was 19, she was 20, HB8), and it ended after 1,5 year due to me being a blue-pill beta. Apparently, the Carousel was too much for her to resist. [Also, it's my first post and I might rant a little. You have been warned.]
Body:My ex broke up with me because I thought she was cool with being dominant and in control (yeah, I know), plus my frame was pretty weak so I understand what I was doing wrong. Anyway, since our break-up I was sad and desperate for another one with no success, which lasted a few months. After I started working on myself (learning martial arts, will start lifting) for a year and discovering TRP, I've become a much happier person with more success with women and better looks, although I still have relapses to the anger phase and melancholy. Anyway, she started showing some interest again after me going radio silence on her so after some time of small-talking I got her to pick a labcoat of hers which she didn't retrieve back then, and she agreed. Not gonna lie, after some lurking here I was going to see if I can plate her, but it turns out I've already lost before she even showed up.
So, she comes to my place and we start talking. After a few minutes, I can tell she's changed for the worse. Back in the day one of the main sources of my happiness in the LTR was because I considered her pretty normal for a woman, but those days were long gone now, with her sitting before me with her new I'm-the-shit attitude, while mentioning her travels and parties in different cities.
After a short time of basic small-talk we start to talk about relationships and our intimate lifes, with me changing my strategy to more AM and negging because of how she acted. Almost immediately she whips out her phone and starts showing me her matches on Tinder (a fuckload), plus the photos of the guys she sleeps/"hangs out" with (high status men), and even jokes about her hand bruises hinting at her fucking some guy, with me trying my best to hide my dissapointment, or even disgust. I guess AWALT hits us square in the nuts the most if the girl in question used to be considered a unicorn. After some questioning from her I mentioned 2 girls I was plating, but I can't tell from her reaction if she cared at all.
Although I haven't lost frame throughout the meeting, she still tried to shit test me with some serious shit, like talking about how older men are more mature (my alleged "childishness" was one of the reasons for our break-up) and better in bed with this feminine oh-em-gee tone, and also how her grandparents considered me too much of a child for me to be with her. All this really toxic shit, with me didn't even negging her that hard, but I guess it's hard for a newcomer like me to deal with a girl openly bragging about slutting it up with high-status men, because she obviously mentioned that "one is a musician, the other's a journalist for a big website, the other other is an Eurosport commentator" or some shit like that. Short before our meeting was over, since I already came to a conclusion the normal girl I knew died a year ago and I don't give a fuck I tried to imply that since she's dating high-class manly men she should consider settling with one of them, but of course those groomed, high-status men weren't good enough. Just like in the old joke: What do women want? More.
A few minutes after she left, and the whole meeting left a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth.
Lesson learned: Above average girls cannot resist the CC, period.
Edit: a typo.
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