Feast on this explicit Red Pill! I tried to shorten it, but it's too much goodness:


I’ve taken the time to dissect this ongoing issue concerning girls always dating assholes and throughout my endeavors, I found the underlying origins that will clear up the status quo. ... Here’s the thing: no girl actually WANTS to date an asshole. Instead, every girl wants to be the girl that changes the asshole.

The majority of girls are enticed by assholes because it’s a damn quest. Fundamentally, dating in your twenties is all about playing the game; am I right or am I right? We already know going into it that he’s probably an asshole, but we do it anyway, every time. Why? Because every single one of us is fervently craving to be that exception, the one who makes a player quit the game.

This perpetual loop is forced by nature. After all, we’re just creatures, right? It’s not you, nice guys; it’s nature! (Try that line next time a nice guy is trying to cross over the friend zone.) Dating an asshole is sort of like taming a wild horse. You meet out in the wild; you work to gain their trust and respect, train them a little and then, ‘Viola! Your horse has been branded. Nice guys, on the other hand, are like old golden retrievers. They’re all loyal and fun-loving and you know that they’re always going to be there waiting for you with their unconditional love. ... I want a wild beast of a horse not some old shaggy dog.

Dating a nice guy is just boring for us. Girls love a project. We feel more of use in a relationship when the other person needs fixing; it keeps us busy-it’s like a little part time job. As females, we like to be a source of growth and evolvement. We want to be the one who ripens you into the guy who sends us a ‘good morning beautiful’ text. That text doesn’t mean as much if we’re not the one responsible for it’s renovation. Nice guys are already fixed and that’s no fun. Dating someone who doesn’t need fixing would be weird because it’s not really yours, it just feels lived in. Chances are that we are going to get bored with the nice guys, ultimately end up to hurting you.

It’s all just one big rush. When you get involved with an asshole, the both of you are put in a very vulnerable state, which is what makes this whole situation so zesty and invigorating; ... Basically, assholes are scared of experiencing feelings while girls are scared of getting hurt. It’s a toxic sequence that both parties are ruthlessly participating in. Whether you recognize it or not, it’s happening around us all of the time. When a guy checks out a girl at the bar and thinks, “Mmm I could hit that”; that girl is looking right back at him thinking, “Oh I could TOTALLY fix that.” Doesn’t matter how you slice it, it’s most likely not going to end well but it’s definitely going to be one hell of a ride while it lasts.

Truly, there are some success stories. Mandy Moore … in ‘A Walk To Remember’… she left Landon way better than how she found him. That is simply all that we are looking for, to feel special enough to silently sway an asshole to change his ways for us. The fantasy is that he will start out as an asshole and allow us to guide him into the transformation of being a nice guy. See, it’s just one big heartbreaking full circle. Good luck, girls.

Kelly Alto deserves a honorary PhD in Redpillosophy.

How can we benefit from this? Introduce a little anarchy and acts of disobedience and misbehavior into your routine. Things, that need to be fixed.

My evo-psych explanation: In the early homo sapiens environment, the male with the meanest behavior has the highest testosterone level and highest chance of reproductive success. That is the horse you want to bet on, not the slow nice beta horse. The female wants the meanest asshole beast and her game is to tame him with her feminine spell, so that he is nice to her as an exception. He should still be an asshole to everyone else. Should she fail, she will cry, because her feminine superpowers were apparently not strong enough for that player.