
First understand the nature of attraction in Part1 and then use these steps to put it into practice. Trust me, without the definitions in that post, you will not follow the material here.

A theory of attraction

Gathering Attention You need to place yourself in a position where you get a lot of attention (see definition in part 1) from women of the kind you like. Since attention is a hodge-podge of characteristics women pick up over time, there's got to be some overlap with you if you are physically fit/wealthy/socially proofed/etc. This is not as hard as it sounds. For example, if you like college aged women (who doesn't (_) ) you could get a job as a bouncer or bartender at a college town bar or club. If you like athletic girls, you could start a hiking/rockclimbing meetup. The very first thing you need to do is to arrange your life so that you meet a lot of women who are potential candidates. This number does not need to be in the hundreds, even the certainty of meeting a new woman once a month or so is sufficient.

Gathering Abundance Meeting new women at a steady rate is absolutely fundamental to developing abundance. If you are stuck in the same routine, seeing that one receptionist when you get into work everyday and then going home to eat ramen noodles while finishing your work you took home, you become susceptible to oneitis, which is a dangerous mental disorder.

Principle of least effort While I'm thankful to the basic research done by PUAs, I'm totally opposed to using their methods. Their methods are most effort. Go out 5 nights a week, approach 100 women, neg and say these things in this order. My suggestion is not to make meeting women your life's mission. You meet women naturally and attract them effortlessly.

The principle of least effort actually does require effort, but all the effort is focused on you. All effort is on making yourself a better person and not any particular interaction. So do not dress up for a date, be the person that is always groomed well and dresses stylishly. Do not clean your car or home for a date. Be the person who keeps their surroundings immaculately clean. This way when a girl is over, it IS natural. Your lack of extra investment keeps you cool and confident.

Time is everything Note that you have limited time. A plate needs you twice a week or she will start feeling distress and start acting up, demanding more time/exclusivity/shit-tests etc. (The exception is a plate who is also a room-mate, who you can be with just once a week.) This means that unless you are independently wealthy and have no need to work, you at most can have three plates. The fourth one will cause one of your plates to crash. My personal experience is that even three plates is too much. (more on that in a future post)

Casting the right size net In general, you need to approach two kinds of women. 1) Those you are attracted to and 2) Those that are attracted to you. You should not approach women whom you are not attracted to unless they approach you. Your friend thinks that cheerleader is hot? Not your concern. You are supposed to like blondes, but this one feels like a meh? Move on. Remember, women feel what you feel. You need to feel desire strongly (but also be able to control it, as we will see later). When you can feel desire for her intensely, she will feel desire for you intensely. You shouldn't have to force it or approach her to increase your count or capture a flag. You do not have the time to muck with women whom you are not attracted to or they are not attracted to you.

Attention is value From a woman's perspective, your value is simply the attention you receive divided by the attention you give. If you are a boring shmuck, you probably talk to everyone all the time and you are ignored. Your incoming attention is near zero and your outgoing attention is almost everything. Therefore your value = 0.0001/1.0 If you are a rock star on the concert stage, your incoming attention is 40,000 and your outgoing attention is 1. = 40,000/1. You are extremely attractive.

Your ability to command attention is your value

Note that due to a woman's fluidity, whoever is dominating the situation now is the value leader.

Rule 1 Do not approach a woman (for romantic interaction) until she has noticed you.

By this, I mean that she has noticed you display high value. Following the principle of least effort, you shouldn't need to do anything special for this. In the course of your normal activities, she should notice you displaying high value.

Some examples:

  • You close a multi-million dollar contract at work
  • You pick up the guitar and start playing and hold the attention of the crowd
  • You take an open mic and make the crowd go wild

Once a woman notices you, you can see that she holds your gaze. You can simply make a beeline and approach her or you can ignore her and talk to other people, especially other women. There is a good chance she will be emboldened to approach you.

Rule 2 Do not ask her out on a date until you have made physical contact (kino)

When you touch a woman, you generate lots of information. Did she stiffen up or recoil? She's not that into you or has some reservations. Did she smile or laugh or give the feeling of having a good time? She's into you.

Rule 3 Do nothing till the date. On the date, escalate as soon as appropriate.

If its an insta-date, i.e., you just said lets go outside and talk/lets go someplace else, I need to talk in a quieter place, you can escalate and go for the kiss. I have never gotten into trouble for kissing a girl or trying to. If she brushes you off, just continue with the conversation like nothing has happened. If you are cool, she will be cool and move on. When you know a woman is into you, its absolutely natural for you to be bold and escalate. Its not even something that you need to think about (principle of least effort)

Rule 4 If you haven't kissed by date 2, next her.

Nexting actually means, nexting. It does not mean cutting contact and somehow magically, she will come back and beg for your cock and be a submissive plate. That's just a form of oneitis. You should expect no further romantic interaction in 90% of the cases. You have a steady supply of new women, so any single woman should not have any prominence.


Once you have a new lover, the first few weeks will be very exciting. You need to maintain the excitement as long as you can. This ensures she stays with you for a long time (as long as you want). More on plate maintenance and disposal in a future post


Attraction is powerful and effective when its effortless.