I hear my female friends say things like this constantly. Or they complain that "I never get hit on as much as [more attractive female]".

Then we go out to the bars, and the girl who was complaining about never getting hit on ends up getting approached consistently throughout the night. The only problem is that she's too busy eyeing up the 6'4" quarterback-looking dude across the bar to notice the average guy who's currently chatting her up and buying her drinks.

Then I bring it up the next day -- "What about that guy who was buying you drinks? Or the one who came over when I went to the bathroom?" And the response is "Eww, that guy was gross. That doesn't count."

Yes, attention from average guys doesn't even count. If it weren't for my reminder, those encounters wouldn't register in their minds as "being hit on". You might as well not be human if you're average.