Summary: A video showing the demands of Chinese women towards beta bucks (top 20th percentile earners) when it comes to marriage (casual sex is still uncommon in China). Although what women say should always be taken with a grain of salt, Chinese women are pretty direct in what they except from their beta bucks.

Video: (Click on the cc icon for subtitles if you don't see any.)

Lessons Learned:

  • Equal employment opportunities for women have skewed their demands towards top 20th percentile or higher earners as beta bucks providers.

  • As a beta bucks you'll always face crazy demands and just because she's a 4/10 doesn't mean her demands are lower - hell the woman with the biggest demands in the video looks like a butch dyke.

  • Men outside of the 20th percentile are literally garbage to Chinese women.

  • Even though the balding guy is pretty red pill, most guys like that are still suckers for flattery and other standard tricks in the female repertoire.

  • She's mainly in it for your provider capabilities. Anything else is secondary.

  • If you're an alpha at a club or the guy rolling up in a sports car, no such demands will be made to you for a one night stand, although they all hope to lock you down of course.