This will be a quick post about holding frame.

Many people try to convince others and themselves that holding frame means showing that you aren't fazed or mentally affected by a situation.

Holding frame is in reality BEING unemotional and apathic towards a situation.

When a girl cheats on you or dumps you for example. Trying to show her that you can easily replace her by going out with another girl isn't you playing your own game and moving on with your life, it is actually you getting into her frame of reference and trying to fix the emotional damage she impose in you.

I, personally, don't know if you can achieve such a state of mind that will make you conciously control your own feelings.

But one thing I know is that the most important aspect of frame and game is the image that you have of YOURSELF. You can be as rich as you want, as good looking as you want, as big as you want, but if you don't feel powerful, if you don't feel that you deserve these things, they will never truly be yours in the first place, they will be something that other people might or might not see in you.

These are just some thoughts I wanted to get on paper this morning. Feel free to oppose or add something in a discussion.