Hey guys, I wanted to give something back to this community that has given so much to me. I've been into game and later general self improvement for eight years now, with a lot of ups and downs. Currently I'm 22 and have fucked over 120 girls, mostly hot, with 50 of them occurring last year. I've fucked models, a TV actress and been in a serious relationship with a very beautiful and supportive girl. I don't say any of that to boast, I just say it so you can trust me. I remember reading this stuff and wondering if the guys who wrote it really got laid. Well, I do.
I think it’s fairly well established both scientifically and within our society that looks matter. I’ve personally improved my looks a lot through the following:
• Diet for better skin and physique. Don't just eat meat. I did that for a long time, ruined my complexion. Eat a lot of greens, carrots (they make your skin glow) and as many other colours as you can.
• Lifting- I’ve lost 20+ kilos (45lbs) of fat and put on 30 kilos (65lbs) of muscle since I started. Currently at what I would consider my optimal; 90kgs at 6-8%bf, 190cm tall. 195lbs at 6’3 for the Americans. You have to find what works for you personally here, the best in my opinion is high-density training with heavy (80-95%1RM) weights for reps in the 1-6 range. I do that until I hit a total number of reps, usually between 15-30. Sometimes I do high rep days with body-weight stuff because I find it keeps my muscles looking fuller. I also do body-part days a few times a week to catch lagging spots. Those together solved the major problem of looking squishy and blocky from lifting heavy followed by overeating. The SS method and Stronglifts are good to start but after a year or two you need to focus on lagging body-parts. I made the mistake of not doing that and ended up with a huge torso and thighs but no arms. Don't be me three years ago; do your curls and laterals.
• Grooming. All the basic shit like brushing the teeth 2+ times a day, flossing daily and showering regularly. I also starting plucking my eyebrow into two eyebrows at a young age. Now I shape the bottom part so they’re symetrical, which has made a difference too. Never shape the top though because the regrowth is obvious and if you get an ingrown hair it will be attention grabbing.
• Dressing better. Finding a style is the main thing. Personally I usually wear black jeans and a t-shirt, shirt or polo. Just wearing black jeans makes you stand out from the norm on its own so adding something like a bracelet or necklace can give you an image. That’s what I’ve found anyway, but I’m dark featured and tanned with brown eyes so I think it just suits what I look like. Honestly though don't go too nuts with this one. When you look 100% you have what I call "glow", where girls just zip their eyes to you like moths. You only need this to get that glow. I've picked up girls in a ripped singlet and my underwear before.
• Haircut. Didn’t realize how big this was until this month. I’ve been growing my hair and getting it cut on the sides every few weeks, it’s just gotten to a point where it has enough volume to do sex hair and/or slick it back. Not with wax/gel, just water. Fuck looking like a guido.
I’d say I started at a six in terms of looks, eight years later and I’d say I’m an eight or nine, based on girls and hotornot. I’m not sure if that’s indicative of what everyone can accomplish, but having talked to other people in similar boats two points on the looks scale takes 5-10 years. I have noticed reactions improving massively, not just from confidence or anything like that. I was still borderline autistic and only had two or three friends by the time I’d got to seven looks. I hadn’t even kissed a girl and nearly fainted during my first approach the next year.
I can vouch strongly that improving your looks just makes life easier that holds permeance across scenarios and environments. It has the same benefit as being rich: you get more opportunities in all of life’s arenas. Right now, I’m going to talk about getting laid.
How to Pick Up Girls if You Are Good Looking
There is this behaviour stereotypically assigned to men who are good with women that could be summed up as being an asshole. Think about most movies, television and even primarily media figures like Charlie Sheen. The problem is, they’re the minority and they’re getting laid despite that. I’ve been there- I got into game eight years ago. I’ve stayed in for all of that time bar one year. I’ve tried all the big ‘methods’ to get girls, from Mystery and C+F (including the extreme “GrandMaster” version where you tell sex jokes as the entire interaction) to obscure guys like Krauser and Assanova. Anything vaguely mainstream I’ve tried, Mode One, Gunwitch, 60 Years, RSDeveryone and of course in more recent years the RedPill stuff. A consistent theme is to act like you don’t give a fuck, say polarising things and otherwise try to divide people into supporters and haters. The issue is that really seems like an act. Even when it isn’t. Being a dick can be really, really fun and I know that. It can come from a place of insecurity though- bullies are cowards. Acting like that is reaction seeking, a crutch to validate someone by making them feel important.
Now don’t get me wrong, it does work. The reason it does work though is because some people will find it entertaining and clap for you, some people will be offended and some of the girls who like you will be into it. You could figure out all the girls who are into you instead of trying to fight and ‘attract’ them since so many of them want to fuck already. Girls also have one night stands. The population in the Western world is near on 50:50 with slightly more women overall. For every one night stand a heterosexual guy has, a girl has one too. This isn’t happening because of the oh-so massive online community of the Manosphere, it’s mostly just 'normal' ('alpha') dudes. What works better is just being a nice guy (not a niceguy) and trying to find a girl who likes you, touching her then inviting her somewhere private where you can have consensual intercourse.
There are two ways that I’ve found work really well. They’re both non-offensive and won’t cause a major reaction, allowing you to know any positive reaction is because she is interested in meeting you. This is the basic tenement: you want her to be reacting positively because she wants to fuck you, not because you're acting like X. There are other ways but these are the best I've found after trying a huge variety of them for the better part of a decade.
The first I would recommend for beginners because the signs are more obvious. For this, you just go up and say hello to a lot of girls or interact in some quick manner. Something that worked really well for me was just walking through the party/club and hi-fiving everyone. It puts you in a good mood as well. I often walk around and offer to cheers people. Literally anything where it’s coming from a positive, non-confrontational place and requires some form of interaction from them. You can then read into that and know whether or not to keep talking to them.
Common sense: if they’re cold just leave. They’re probably not having a good night or aren’t interested in talking to you for some reason. It could be a friends’ big day, they could be pregnant, the could have a sore throat… she knows, you don’t. Just move on and let her do her own thing. Yes, you can win girls over sometimes. I have ended up taking a woman home that was initially an outright bitch. She said a bunch of insulting shit about me within the first few sentences and was super aggressive but I stuck with it and pulled. However, in most cases it just wastes time persisting when someone probably doesn’t like you.Even when I have had sex with someone like this it is shittier sex as we didn’t actually like each other.
You are presenting invitations for a girl to let you know she likes you. That’s the best way I can sum it up.
The other ‘method’ is to just relax with friends at a bar, on the beach or at a social sport- basically anywhere a lot of people are around and especially events. Then if a girl holds eye-contact for a long time or gives you some other sign- like bumping into you when there is space to walk around or turning her body towards you while she is talking to her friends- then she wants to talk to you and will thus be receptive to it if you go up.
This is basic stuff but most game guys I know miss this because they’re too busy wandering from one end of the club to another literally chasing pussy. Walk around the club once, get a feel of the place and then just chill with a friend at the bar or something. The girls who saw you and are into you will slowly migrate towards you. Girls are shyer than guys in general and won’t approach, but I find they do the same thing a lot of guys do in that they start to orbit guys they like. I’m sure if you’ve gone out for a lads night you’ve found the group slowly migrating from place to place to be near hot girls.
I find this in a more general sense as well. Again this should be obvious but girls that like you will reinitiate for dates, respond to texts well and just be generally easy to deal with.
Building on that, this is basically what you want to be. Not an orbiter but someone who is easy to justify hanging out with. When you’re good looking, have cool hobbies and aren’t acting like a dickhead that is very easy to do. Girls who want to fuck you will be able to do so without fear of her friends judging her for fucking the asshole/ugly guy/loser with no life. That is literally the biggest roadblock to having sex for a girl. Slut shaming- especially from other women- cuts them far worse because women are more sensitive to being ostracised. The main thing you want to do is have universal appeal so that all of her friends can at least see why she’d fuck you. You can do that by having an extreme of something- being way better looking, richer or more famous than her and then acting however you want. Or you can be good enough in all of those (usually a shockingly low standard) and be someone who they like being in the presence of.
Once you’ve found a quality girl who responds you just have to be polite, responsible (for the interaction and consequence, ie plausible deniability) and mildly interesting for her to want to have sex with you. That will instantly distinguish you from majority of boys- who are either too scared to talk to girls, too awkward or uncomfortable to be around. The only other thing you need to do is touch her. Get consent. Yes. You actually read that. I don’t mean ask her if she wants to be touched, but do what chicks do and read the situation. A girl bumps into you, if you respond she will stop and chat. It’s the real-world equivalent of a poke on Facebook, when that was a thing. Just like when you’re starting these conversations you get permission from her before ramping it up again. Then if she gives it, you just do it.
To clarify, I don’t mean literally say “can I touch you?” like those God-awful college ads. I mean you should start touch reciprocally: give her another chance to interact and decide her own comfort level. This is good for you as well because you’ll learn to gauge how into you she is from how responsive her touch is. A good place to start is comparing height, hands or other body-parts. Wiith hands you hold your hands palms together, if she keeps holding it like that she likes you. Another one was is to spread your arms for a hug, but don’t step into it. Keep rooted to the spot. The more contact and the longer she lingers the more she likes you. Another good one is to say "this (clothing) feels great" then stroke whatever item it is. She will usually want to touch it to. Bonus points if you're ripped and she gets tingles from rubbing the washboard. I also use my hair sometimes because it really does feel great.
From this point you can start to ramp up the touching. 99.99% of girls will be comfortable will this, but of course if crazy Tumblr womyn is your type then maybe not
Location to House
If you’re out at night the standard thing to do is just invite them over. Ask them to come to your house for a drink. Keep your house stocked with a couple of spirits, some mixers and wines, you’re fine. Usually I pour the drinks and we don't even finish them, but I still pour them because that is totally why we came back to my place.
Anything else that she can tell her friends before she leaves or the next day works too. The main thing is that she wants plausible deniability- so she doesn’t just say she fucked you, she wants a narrative. She doesn’t want azero context gonzo fuck, she wants to remember it as a series of exciting events. I like to imagine girls telling their friends the story (which they do nearly every time) knowing it sounds like a good time. That’s the test I use to judge whether or not what I’m inviting them home for is good. So “play with my snake” is probably shitty but “play snakes and ladders” is surprisingly good.
During the day it’s the same thing, just don’t invite them for drinks. Anything else that you could use at night is probably fine. One recent example for me is inviting a girl upstairs (I met her at the bottom of my apartment) to watch Live at Slane Castle by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Some other things I invite girls home for are reading something I’ve written (poems, short stories etc), seeing the view from my apartment, watching some show we talked about or anything like that. Even just a song you want to play them is usually enough. They already want to come home with you, you’re just giving them a reason to be ‘allowed’ in their own mind. They want to feel good about their choice whether or not they sleep with you as a result of it.
The main thing is learning to read when to pull the trigger on the invite. You’ll get this with time but usually it is very easy to tell. If a girl is very touchy feely. Asking you a lot of questions. Complimenting you a lot. Following you around without you asking her to. Just think what girls in high school used to do when they liked a guy.
Ask her to take her shoes off and go sit somewhere relaxing. Usually couch or balcony, although if it’s late on a weeknight we’ll hang out in my room so my roommate can sleep. I've never had a girl be weird about that before. Just relax and vibe with the girl here. By this point it’s probably safe to assume you’re hugged and made other similar levels of contact. Have an arm around her, kiss her or anything like that. Make out for a bit and escalate to sex. Try to actually turn her on as opposed to just put your hands all over her. It isn’t so much about the destination as the journey. Two really good things I’ve found of moving it forward are to guide- not push, guide- her hand towards my dick. She will usually continue and take initiative by playing with my dick. Maybe 10% of the time she won’t, so I’ll slow it down a little and most of the time she will be responsive from that point on. I literally never encounter LMR because non-verbally asking a girl what she is OK with is enough to make her comfortable having sex with you. This is again gauging consent by 'asking' for her to reciprocate physicality.
Other times I sort of ‘pause’ the interaction to see if she wants to go further are whenever I take an item of clothing off- she will have to sit up to take off her top and arch to take off her panties- when I want to penetrate her and when I want to fuck her. With the latter two I generally just literally pause before doing the act and look at her. Actually look at her, not staring but appreciating why I decided to ask this girl into my bed. If you look into her eyes thinking "this girl is fucking beautiful and I love the life that has led me here" she is going to see that and be immensely aroused. I’ve never been at this stage and had a girl stop me but sometimes she’ll say “Are you wearing a condom?” or similar. That’s actually pretty rare and more often I hear “you don’t have to wear a condom.”
For the uninitiated, if a girl tells you that you don’t have to wear a condom the first time you have sex with her then you definitely should wear a condom. I don't always but that's a mistake.
If you want to meet up with her again just do it. Call her, text, whatever. Sometimes she won’t want to but usually she will if you had good sex. I'd say message/call sooner rather than later, because some girls feel extremely slutty after a one-night stand. For the most part though 2-4 days is fine.
The only piece of advice I’m going to offer is to not hang out more than one or two times a week unless you want to date her, because if you do she may get feelings for you. I find some girls can see you more often but for the most part after a few months of that, she will likely ask you were it is heading.
That’s pretty much 99% of all game there.
Some pieces of advice don't matter 9/10 times. One of them is keep your room clean. The thing is, it's such a low effort thing to do that the 1/10 it screws you over just isn't worth it; so keep your room clean.
Having a stuffed animal or some such in your bed is an awesome way to make a girl feel comfortable. I had a huge bunny in my bed, girls would always cuddle it and ask me for the bunnies story. That meant they got into my bed (they had an excuse) and were already cuddling our sex pillow. Seriously, stuffed toys are better than the professional sex pillows and I wish I knew that before blowing $60 on one.
Make sure you have a lava lamp, lamp with a dimmer, candles or some other ambient lighting. If you live somewhere hot have a fan. Just anything you can think of to increase comfort. I personally have scented candles because I got bought 120304924 of them last Christmas, but I am thinking of getting a lava lamp.
If you have things that are clearly womens in your room (bobby-pins, stockings etc) that usually plays out well that night IME, however it does seem to decrease the number of girls who are willing to meet up again slightly.
Change your sheets every two weeks or so, because even though they seem clean to you after that stretch they probably aren't. This pays dividends in regards to skin health as well.
Have a towel for any girl you sleep with. If you want to do stuff like anal, facials etc than giving her the ability to wash up afterwards is a must. You sex can have a lot more variety if you have that. I also have womens shampoo, conditioner and body-lotion because my ex kept bringing it over for a few months after we broke up. This works as bait to keep the really hot girls at your house for a few days so you can have a weekend of hedonistic pleasure.
I hope this can help out some of you guys. If you need me to elaborate on anything just ask, I'm happy to help.
You might notice I said little about conversation. That's because I've never really found it to help or hinder unless I go to an absolute extreme. If I had to give one piece of advice on this topic, it would be talk less.
As a summary of the basic points:
Maximize your looks. This is a continual process, they should always improve. If you are very experienced, look for girls who are into you. If not 'ping' girls to find out with something low effort that requires them to invest, like a hi-five or cheers. Once you find a girl who reacts positively beyond just being polite, start touching her. Pull back your touch and see if she moves towards you or reciprocates. Give her opportunities to touch you- hold your arms out for a hug, say your shirt feels nice etc. Invite her home (when she gives you anime eyes) with a plausible excuse. Drinks, movie, music and poetry are all fine.
Keep your house relatively clean and if possible have a reason to be on your bed- stuffed animal, roommate asleep, travel photos, etc. Have ambient lighting and escalate to turn her on, not to fuck her. Those together will eradicate LMR.