OK, enough "Look at Lena Dunham" posts.

Even though I've been embarking on my lifting routine for quite some time now, I admittedly haven't been paying squats the proper attention they deserve. Yes, we've probably all seen the internet meme that you "shouldn't skip leg day", but according to science, there's actually something behind it:

Triggering Testosterone "Sports Medicine" asserts that high-volume resistance training of moderate-to-high-intensity with short rest intervals stimulates greater hormonal response than high-intensity low-volume resistance training with long rest intervals. For example, after a warm-up with a light weight for 10 to 12 reps, do 10 sets of five reps each of barbell squats. Use 70 percent of your one-rep maximum, and a two-minute rest between sets. A study at the University of Kansas, Washington University, St. Louis, reported in the July 2010 issue of, "Fiziol Cheloveka," found that volunteers using a similar exercise protocol showed a significant increase in testosterone levels.


I stumbled across this interesting little study after my friend and I decided to change up our conventional lifting routine and go on a 12 week cycle of a lifting program I was previously unaware of, called "5X5 Stronglifts".


Basically speaking, and I won't regurgitate the entire website here in an effort to assist the click-lazy, you abandon the "high rep/low weight" bullshit in favor of focusing on 5 reps/5 sets at around 70% of your one rep max on Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Overhead Press, and Barbell Row. Basically, the exercises that not only release maximum testosterone, but also the exercises that maximize the usage of the most muscle groups simultaneously.

From what I can gather, if you want to put on muscle, consume body fat, and maximize strength, this looks like the way to do it. I'll post updates.

Disclaimer: Yes, I know we already have numerous subs dedicated to fitness and weightlifting. That being said, I didn't know how many of our subs actually get over to visit them, so I thought I'd bring attention to a program I'm doing that's new to me.