I've been holding off positing this for quite a while. I found this experience to be interesting enough to document on TRP. Over a year ago before I discovered TRP I discovered seddit, the seduction reddit before I was booted over here for being 'too extreme' with my methods although getting successful results...... hmmmm....

About that time I had been slowly reconnecting with my male friends from highschool and early college. Looking forward to some male bonding with a stronger understanding of masculinity found here on this sub I was eager to talk about "dude shit" (women, sex, money, being awesome) and maybe learn a few new things from my friends.

In each interaction I learned something incredibly disappointing. As I was just starting to enter the 'hookup scene' at 22, I was eager to share with my buddies. I was by no means a virgin but what the manosphere calls Alpha 1.0. Serial monogomy, I-want-to-marry-and-have-kids type. Talented and had many options. Just clueless about how women really are. My notch count with strange poon was low.

"I'm just getting started with hookups" I dropped with one of my buddies. Or "the hookups have been pretty shallow". Didn't matter how I put it out there, the result was the same: each man began to disrespect me. I use 'man' here loosely as we are in our early twenties.

They acted towards me like I was a little kid who hadn't grown up yet. When just a minute ago we were chatting and laughing like two grown adults. And these guys knew about the previous women I had been with. And I wish I could tell you their demeanor towards me changed later. But it didn't. One friend and I shared some funny stories between the women we were seeing at the time (in particular how they both cheated for us) and that was the closest the respect ever recovered. What confused me the most was even though my strange poon notch count was low, the women I did bang have all been high quality in looks and feminine personality. One buddy in particular had two of his FB drop by his place while we were drinking and chatting. When they left he told me he had banged them both and gave me a sly grin. Now, my buddy is very popular, not buff but in shape, and has a lot going for him too. But these two girls were fat. In fact, although my friend's notch counts were high, they slept with a lot of fat girls along the way.

It's been a disappointing experience. Some of these guys we got along great and were close friends for years until we breached the topic. Some of them are reconnecting with me now that I'm still knocking out success goals along the way but there was a period of time where it almost felt like they thought I was a fraud for not totally slaying all kinds of pussy. Similar to what women do when you become beta in their eyes. Needless to say, I still have no plans reconnecting with them. After swallowing the pill you find many reasons to make new friends and build a new life.

So for those of you who are new to the pill and looking to share man-stories with your buds, just don't. Keep your mouth shut.

Lessons Learned:

  • Keep your goddamned mouth shut about your newfound sex adventures

  • The appearance of being a man who's getting women is more powerful socially than actually being that man

  • Sex to some guys is an ego boost and they will take the opportunity and subtly keep it over your head. Don't give them that chance.

  • Aim to make a new life after the pill. Your outlook changes and your understanding changes you too much. A lot of men have experienced what you're sitting here learning on your own so don't disrespect yourself. Go out and get those stories for yourself. When you become successful in other areas in your life 'old friends' will start wondering what you're up to...