I see this a lot in other member's field reports "dude you are 6'2 she was practically throwing herself at you". I'm 6'2, thin (thanks to trp and seeing muscle definition), trendy haircut, I speak well, I carry myself, and yet my dick is dryer than the Sahara Desert.

It's not your height, it's YOU.

People IRL think I'm swimming in poon. Well, I'm not. And it chips my ego as another reminder to stay humble.

Our game sucks ass cheeks while we're fumbling around trying new things in the real world looking for IOIs and other opportunities to be charming.

Your height, your money, your looks, your dick size, your car, none of that is the end all to end all for poon smashing. Get that false shit out of your head. I'm tired of reading it. Sure being short has its disadvantages but somewhere out there is a midget getting his dick ridden by what he perceives as a giantess and he's not complaining.