This post presents a simple mental framework to objectively assess oneitis and to get rid of it. As such it does not propose any revolutionary thesis but just a way to place the sad infatuation in proper context and to start the healing process.

The first premise is that nobody will love you the way your mother loves you: Unconditionally and eternally. This applies to most normal moms and it has been repeated ad nauseam here, so much that it can be considered a fundamental red pill axiom .

That maternal love is not random obviously, and it is not based in any especial characteristic one may have. Basically it is caused by 2 things: a) the hardwired program most normal women have to love their descendants . b) the time and resource investments on the children which create an emotional bond.

As many men I consider my mom to be a good woman and really appreciate the love she has had for me all these years. But I can imagine that there is a good chance that if any other woman would have given birth to me, the love would be pretty much the same.So the love I receive is not really based on me as a person, or in any magical connection between my mother and me, but on the contingency of the biological and historical connections to my mother.

I propose that for most sufferers from oneitis the thing they crave the most from the girl is not the sex, but the validation and emotional bond. Oneitis is a beta disesase and betas tend to be romantics.

Even if the disease causing Oneitis agent reciprocate the feelings our beta has for her. That love would be more conditioned, weaker and peremptory compared to the mother-son love. So in a sense it is a more mundane, opportunistic and temporal love. Way less valuable.

Maternal love, for all the value and strength it has, can be easily conceived coming from a different source if the right conditions are met. With more reason the weaker, shorter and more capricious romantic love from a female can be sourced from millions of other women who are attractive enough and whose attraction buttons are conveniently pushed. In other words, romantic love needs to be thought as an easily replaceable, short-lived and mundane affair. There is no transcendent, deep or eternal quality to it.

TL;DR Nobody will love you like your mommy.

You don´t receive that love because you are special, it is just that she is genetically programmed to do it.

As cool as your mom is, almost every other woman would love you the same if she would have birthed you.

Most guys suffering from oneitis are not only attached because of the sexual attraction but because of the idea of validation, companionship and emotional connection from a desired female.

Even in the best case, the love that special woman has for you it is only a minuscule fraction of the one your mom has for you.

If you can understand the nature and origin of maternal love, and can conceive that it could have been fulfilled by millions of other women, with more reason the flimsy,capricious and short-lived romantic love of a woman for you can be replaced by millions of other attractive women out there.