IDK what this trick is called, haven't been to this sub in a while, but if you are doing the LTR Redpill game you NEED to do this. We all know a woman will get comfortable in an LTR. She'll start putting less effort into her looks, into sex, and everything else. Maybe she'll start to think it's acceptable to show up to your place looking like shit in a hoodie and baggy pants. Maybe one day you'll get your last blowjob for 4 months. Maybe she'll start flirting with other guys cause she knows you won't say anything and she knows you won't leave her because she knows you can't get any. The female goal in an LTR is to turn you from Alpha to Beta, whether she knows it or not.
But that's the key. She """knows""" you won't leave her and she """knows""" you can't get any. You text her all the time. She knows exactly what you're doing any time she isn't with you. She is securing you when she does this. Not all of you need this advice but I'd bet anyone here who has been in an LTR knows what I'm talking about.
What you need to do is stop texting her all the time. And don't just all of a sudden stop (common noob mistake is to go full-stop with advice from Redpill), but every once and a while. You are going out with the boys for a night of drinking (if you haven't cucked yourself hard enough that she will 'allow' this, becuase there is not a single woman on Earth who enjoys when her BF/Husband goes out with the boys). Do not text her at all, do not respond. She will go nuts in her head.
But once isn't enough. You have to do this enough that she'll begin to think, consciously of subconsciously, that maybe you are out there getting better pussy than her. I've done this before, and I've told my buddies to do it, and the turnaround from deadbedroom to kink factory is usually extremely fast. They panic. You might even go to r/deadbedrooms to see some great advice on how NOT to stimulate activity in the bedroom (discuss your feelings, talk it out, have an open conversation, bla bla bla).
NO, the only way to turn that ship around is to display that you don't need her. Don't EVER text her during work, and for the most part, don't text her when you arent with her (but do let her know if you are going to be doing something that could lead to hooking up with other girls, like going for drinks after work or something).
I'll give you one example I did recently. I had arranged for after work drinks with an old female friend of mine. Like, high school old (we're both 27 now). I saw on LinkedIn that she got a job near me and thought I'd set it up. I told my GF about this and she seemingly went into shock. I've never brought up this 'Clare' girl ever before (why would I have), and all of a sudden I'm going to have a beer with her? What?? She didn't even hide it, she immediately went into interrogation mode. I didn't reply at all. Had a great time catching up with a friend from 5pm-7:30pm. Checked my phone and there were maybe 15 texts from her displaying all the ranges of emotion you might expect.
Among all her crazy texts, was a "so when are you going to go back to your condo?". I decided to only respond to that one. I said "Just leaving the bar now. I'm gonna show her my office and then split!". This wasn't a lie, my office was in the tower on top of the parking garage where we both parked, thought I may as well show her. Gave her a tour for 15 minutes and went home. I quite easily could have given her the ol' bonedog in the office if I wanted to, all the signs were there. But that's another story.
So I got home but I didn't text her back for another 90 minutes even though I had been done for a while. Why should I text her? I'm driving home and then I'm busy with whatever. When I finally texted her back she had a million angry questions that I didn't answer, but most importantly she came over on a Tuesday night all dressed up and gave me a lap dance, and had awesome sex several times. There was about a 0% chance she would have made that drive on a Tuesday otherwise.
tl;dr gotta give your GF's mind some time to wander into places she doens't want it go.