This is my first post in TRP, hope I can get my idea across.
At my office, my boss, a woman, acts kind, even caring towards some of my co-workers, but towards me she is an asshole as much as the context allows, and constantly fights doing what she has to.
Speaking in terms of fluence on the spectrum between alpha, beta, and so on, I can be very alpha if I'm doing my job because I love my job and know what I'm doing. This is what she's constantly fighting. My assumption is that because she's the CTO, she thinks she "naturally" has an alpha position regarding me. Well, bigger bullshit hasn't existed yet. Yes, she is my boss, but if a given situation renders me as the alpha of the moment, then that simply is so, but she's fighting it constantly (while letting other coworkers be alphas as much as they want).
OK so, she is on vacation now for a few weeks, and the pressure for me in the office went down like rain on a hot summer day. It's really relaxed now and I'm a bit more productive, certainly less stressed.
Now my GF, who is probably the most misandric woman I have ever met (I'm still with her because I suffer hard from oneitis and wasn't able to cure myself so far). So my GF, I bet my ass on it, senses that there was a power shift and so she... steps up to fill the vacancy. In the past few days she has been the biggest d**k-cutting asshole I have ever seen.
Example: We rent 2 apartments. One of them is currently mostly vacant because of some circumstance (closer distance to job etc.), but we still pay rent for both of course. So she starts at me with "You know, I kinda feel bad that we rent the apartment but it's unused. But I met John again and offered him that he can crash there whenever he wants because he has such a long commute back home."
Now, first of all, that wasn't a question or request for comment. She always says "Can I ask you something?" or "I've been thinking", but what that really means is that she's already decided on it and only wants to see my reaction. But that stuff is old as day to TRP I guess.
Secondly, this guy is a fucked up asshole who picked a fight with me and threatened me multiple times. And she wants to give that guy keys to our one apartment and let him live there as he wants. And I had no say in this matter.
This is completely nuts. I didn't even know what to say, it just felt like my soul got sucked out by something for a few days.
She finally relented, said she's sorry and she won't do anything against my will, which we all know means nothing, but for some reason I felt at least a little better.
I figure this crazy shit will go on until my boss returns and the shitbalance shit-balances out again.
EDIT: fixed a few words
[–]Senior Contributordr_warlock6 points7 points8 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]Nebulose111 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
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[–]Brave_Horatius2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]HerbivoreUSA2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Jojobelle[🍰] 0 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link