tl;dr - Natalie Dormer says men and women are equally objectified on TV, is right, Chris Pratt said the opposite like a tool, fat acceptance is about delusion because it pretends much of attraction isn't hard-wired and people can simply decide to be attractive, hot women benefit if other women believe this and they become relatively more attractive, and then they get to fuck hotter guys behind their provider's back

This controversial (in the popular media) article reached the front page today and I knew if I said what I am going to say here I would simply be downvoted by the hivemind as a kneejerk reaction from a collection of threatened egos:

In it Natalie Dormer says men are just as objectified as woman, good on her. She seems like a cool and intelligent woman more and more, instead of a pandering intentionally quirky wannabe-"PeNgU1N oF d00m" like Jennifer Lawrence. It's good to see some women out there with a bit of insight, regardless of whatever else she might believe or the fact that nobody should really be getting their opinions from celebrities. On the other hand, man, Chris Pratt must really think he needs to be the biggest white knight in Hollywood just to get laid. From the article:

In June, Jurassic World actor Chris Pratt declared that, in order to “even things out”, men should be objectified as much as women.

And obese women everywhere swooned, opining that he's no longer fat because since he's way better looking than they are, even fat, and he actually has more personality than a rock, they'd never be able to hold onto him if he ever went out with them in that alternate universe where unattractive, shut-ins with boring, dead-end careers and no talents to speak of date movie stars. But, they think they could have him when he was fat.

I remember seeing this comment shortly after he made it and thinking, that's fine with me, but doesn't he know that's already how it is?

Men are already objectified as much as women. It's human nature. Anyone who has been to high school knows this much (or at least, should). Anyone who has done online dating, or especially, used Tinder knows that women are just as superficial as men with few temporary exceptions like trading status and/or money. Then again, research shows that the vast majority of the time people pair on both socioeconomic status AND attractiveness and such exceptions are usually outliers and don't last as long. So, you can trade being cool and confident to hang out with a boring, bitchy, though hot and attractive woman, but it wouldn't last that long. Who cares though? Why settle down just to satisfy her biological needs and neglect yours when you can have as much top-shelf ass as you want in your life before you decide to have a longer term relationship. Hell, there may come a time where you need or simply prefer having someone who will take care of you, not be fucking crazy, and is at least as good looking as you (and hopefully you're not a dog yourself).

The big lie Chris Pratt (relevant last name) is perpetuating here, perhaps in an effort to solidify his image as a "nice guy," is that women are less superficial and that in the game of human attractiveness woman are victims because they have the courage to act on their high-minded beliefs. The reality is that they keep their judgments more to private conversations where they are less likely to come back and bite them in the ass, put more pressure on themselves and each other when it comes to appearance, and don't set boundaries if people are talking about their appearance in a way they don't like.

Women don't want to date fat guys. The hottest ones are constantly dating fit douchebags with the most testosterone or having sex with strangers they don't know anything about really and frequently enough selecting abusers or rapists with their amazing judgment, so long as they are very fit. Sure, women will be in relationships with old, ugly, fat rich guys or funny lard-asses probably more often than you'd see the opposite, but they're not really attracted to them physically. Legitimate whores will have sex for money but they don't become attracted to them just because they are willing to pretend not to be disgusted by the John's body.

From womens' largely consistent message in the media it seems like they just want it both ways. They don't want to have to watch their figure, and take care of themselves, but they want to be able to get anyone they want. Everyone wants something for nothing but you'll almost never get it. They don't want people talking about how they look, unless, of course, they look really good. Then that's all they want to hear about - how much better than everyone else they look. And they know how much better everyone treats a good looking woman.

It's almost as if all this discontent they are crying out with is a ruse, like they want other women to let themselves go completely so they don't have to try as hard and still remain at the top of the curve. And frankly, it's worked on a lot of people who have bought into the idea that looks are unimportant and delusionally think of themselves as very attractive even when nobody else does. Women tell each other how beautiful they are even when they aren't that pretty. I see it on facebook all the time and it's sad. But you know what? They conned themselves with this ruse. Women are cunning manipulators and the best liars believe their own lies. The lies have become so embedded in our culture they have spawned a movement.

The "body acceptance" movement is what I'm talking about and it's even more self-serving delusion. All this so-called body acceptance is not about actual acceptance. It's about enabling unhealthy behaviors and reinforcing delusions. If you want to accept your body, accept the fact that you have so much body fat that you are shortening your life, decreasing your energy, making yourself develop all sorts of diseases, suffering symptoms you otherwise wouldn't experience, and making yourself less physically attractive to the vast majority of people on a visceral biological level. The amount of fat you carry and accumulate is making it so you don't appear healthy, young and fertile or virile. Don't try to force other people to "accept" you are attractive when you are not attractive to them. There is no such thing as being inherently attractive and you don't just get to decide you are or aren't.

To be attractive, you must have people attracted to you. You must put in effort and energy to do the things that attract other people. Everyone, barring serious neurological problems is hard-wired to not be attracted to fat people and only in historical cases where the culture promotes the opposite to a huge degree (like when only rich people could afford to be fat, marriage was even more transactional than it is today, and survival was much more difficult than it is today), people will naturally be attracted to fit and healthy potential mates. You can bet there were a lot of half-black babies popping out of the wives of fat ugly plantation owners

Accept that that's what you get with the body you have and if you want different you have to change your body. Accept that people are superficial, women just as much as men, and they will tell you all sorts of lies because they think it makes them a better person but behind peoples' backs they'll say they're not as good looking, they're fat and ugly, or they act more confident in their ability to attract than is realistic and it's hilarious and pathetic. And the women in your life will fuck your fit friends if they can.

So anyway, good on Natalie Dormer for challenging the status quo by calling it like she sees it. She's hot and sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders and enough backbone to not take the pledge of media bullshit or pander just to further her career. But you know what? She's just playing a different game.

Lessons Learned: Women are just as superficial as men but they are scared to tell the truth about it and in order to feel good about themselves they lie until they believe their own lies, women care more about physical attractiveness than anything else with a partner, fat acceptance is not about acceptance at all and ignores evolutionary biology completely, hot women benefit the most from it because other women will self-sabotage making them even better by comparison and they are completely two-faced when it comes to the value of physical attractiveness, if you want to be attractive you gotta do what it takes and that means improving your physical appearance first and foremost, you can trade other things for sex but not for real physical attraction and it won't last you that long anyway, don't be a provider unless you're getting your money's worth in something else besides sex because you're better off buying sex straight from a hooker if that's the only way you're gonna get it - once you've given her a baby she no longer needs to fulfill your biological needs to have hers fulfilled so she will continue to barter with sex if you're one of her providers