I used to think that my anger issues were due to low testosterone. I had the test levels of an 85 year old man and I had fairly high estrogen levels, too. I was completely miserable, depressed, suicidal, had no self esteem, felt constant subconscious fear, stuttered like a motherfucker, I couldn't lose body fat beyond a certain point, and I couldn't put on muscle.
I started nofap about 1 1/2 years ago and I've been meditating for roughly the same amount of time. I thought that might help improve my hormones/mood and it did. I'm not depressed or suicidal anymore, I have high self esteem levels, speaking comes easily and I'm not longer scared of my own shadow. My test levels doubled during that time; they're now about 940 ng/dL whereas before they were 450~.
But the anger has only gotten worse. I'm ridiculously irritable. I rage when I lose in a video game. I can barely stop myself from screaming at the kids outside when they play loudly. I can't tolerate any of my friends or family; I ESPECIALLY cannot stand strangers. I snap at people for bothering me and I absolutely hate being around them. I've even gotten angry and argumentative at a cop when he pulled me over at night (I go on night runs and it pissed the hell out of me to be taken out of my zone during a workout). Men, women (hot or not; showing interest in me or not), it doesn't fucking matter: they piss me off all the same. Anything other than perfect peace and quiet ticks me off so much that I can't focus at all and it's really impacting my performance at work and and at school.
The only thing that helps is working out extremely hard to burn myself out, but the anger always comes back in a few hours. Meditating works as well, but it's also just a bandaid solution that wears off quickly.
I fear that at this rate I'm going to start screaming at my coworkers at work (one especially annoying guy just smacks away while eating every fucking day; I have to wear earplugs to tune out the noise, but every time I look at his chin going up and down my blood boils).
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