EDIT 1: To the morons who inboxed me notifying me of my stupidity I have acknowledged I was an idiot for arguing with a 16 year old this was a rant to vent the frustrations from said argument.
EDIT 2: in the morning she said to me "you won't change my views you know" completely out of the blue. I think the seed of doubt has been planted
Was talking with my sister (16) when we ended up rolling onto the feminism topic.
I tried to get a single stat out of her to prove her points, but apparently i am just a "misogonystic chauvanistic asshole"
"Rape culture is a very real thing and i am ashamed my brother doesn't believe"
The sheep are herded so young now...
The conversation started when I said i could care less if she uses drugs as long as she doesn't become a die hard feminist.
To which she replied, I am a feminist.
I tried to tread as carefully as possible as I wanted to hear her actual arguments.
What a suprise to me when one of the first things out of her mouth was rape culture
I proceeded to ask her what rape culture was acting clueless in hopes of hearing her explain it in words to me.
Of course she had no answer and immediately attempted to change the subject to how women are victims and thus don't come forward when raped hence the low statistics.
As opposed to trying to join her circlular argumentative logic, I simply restated the question "what is rape culture, I truly do not know"
Each and everytime i asked this question her hamster began to spin away spouting out every one of those overused points we all laugh about so much.
Next up I asked her what she thought about the state of the marriage institution.
"I don't care about the marriage institution I care about equality"
Throughout the entire conversation I remained completely calm and imposed purely logical questions that should have a simple direct yes or no answer.
She avoided answering even a single question toting "inequality" every time.
When asked directly "ignoring other countries like third nation worlds ruled by theocracies and dictators of which actually encourage misogany, what inequalities do women in the west face today"
She simply ignores the question and tries to make the conversation about those oppressed women.
Eventually she was so frustrated she called me a mysogonistic chauvanistic asshole who will never change her mind about feminism and stormed off.
This mentality comes into effect at such a young age now with the advent of the internet and all those goddamn buzzfeed articles.
She refused to directly answer any questions that would undermine her position (i.e. every single question), instead boasting inequality as a grounds for everything.
Fucking buzz feed
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