Time for controversy. Get your popcorn.

Here’s my viewpoint, as a guy who has in the past ‘suffered’ with codependency and depression.

Bipolar disorder, codependency, depression, all of them are ‘CURABLE’ without ‘MEDICATION’. Why? Because they are not actual fucking disorders. The only thing in ‘disorder’ is your mindset.


They are designations doctors throw at you to which cause you to use shitty medications that actually fuck your mind up in the long run. Heads up: there is no easy way out. Ever.

Mental conditions are a result of an unbalanced mindset, due to a lifetime of blue-pilled conditioning.

Codependency: Caused by a lifetime of social conditioning to rely on social acceptance for a sense of self worth. Cure: Lift and meditate. Find a purpose.

Bipolar disorder: A result of not knowing one’s self, no self-worth, and a huge reliance on either a specific or multiple external factors for happiness. Answer: Lift and meditate.

Depression: Caused by a lack of purpose, usually stemming from conditioning to accept laziness, lethargy, and being average as ok. Over time this develops into chronic sadness due to subconscious dissatisfaction and a need to self-eliminate from the gene pool. Answer: Lift and meditate. Give yourself value.

I could go on but I think you get the point.

Years ago I conquered my mental ‘disorders’ by getting over my bitch victim mentality and improving myself. It wasn’t easy, but I didn’t need medication. No one does.

CONCLUSION: Lift and meditate.

TL;DR Mental ‘disorders’ are not an excuse to use medication as an easy way out. Lift and meditate.