
I just woke up from late night of awesome trance music, coding and researching some breakthrough algorithms that will push our industry and species as a whole.

I roll out of bed and read the numerous comments I earned from my hard work just a few hours before. I LOVE WHAT I DO and OBJECTIVE benefits it brings our species. I love the intensity, the accomplishment that is EARNED and the GROWTH that comes from the HARDSHIP. It's a paradox and you can't grow without HARDSHIP.

I'm not part of any community or social group as I find that distracts from the OBJECTIVE pushes that are needed (think Tesla working without social validation).

Then I check my twitter and I see this hashtag:

I feel this fuming rage growing because science/research doesn't give a flying FUCK about "what you look like". This ain't ACTING bitch, you EARN and DO. No one gives a fuck about revolutionaries. It's not some SOCIAL shit party where you have to please anybody. In fact, discoveries are plagued with hardship and discouragement, so stop this BULLSHIT soft, accept me attitude. HR people that think this is how the world works are wrong!

Let's go back to the jungle where we used to wipe our asses with leaves. You think that elephant or tiger gives a fuck about "softening" or "social appearances"?! You fucking hunt it down through hardship and discouragement. That's what it takes to push the boundaries so stop STOPPING ME FROM DOING IT!

Yes its affecting me directly, the hard worker and lover of accomplishments and actually CARES about our SPECIES because I'm having to deal with soft shit pushed down by these feminazi's halters of societies.

I then research "what have women contributed to technology?" and fall on this article (some have truly contributed things, but are far spread out compared to men. Biology/Reality strikes yet again!).

And of course it reeks of people blaming "the hardship" and wanting raises and to get paid. What a soft bunch of cunts!!!! Get the fuck out of my way and stop leeching on hard workers' efforts.

These "hostile" environments are called "REALITY". That's how it is at the EDGE of discovery. It's not soft, it's raw, unpredictable and dangerous. If you can't deal with it, then let real MEN handle it from here on OUT.

What these feminazi's don't understand is WOMEN are capable of dealing with the hardship if they want to.

No need to soften shit up for everyone in order to justify your shitty useless gender studies leaf shit-stain-wiping of a degree.